Page 29 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 29

Women of Distinction

        plight in her broken English and   Vivianne felt defeated. So, at the   She was 20 years old, beautiful,
        the priest gave them $35.00. This   tender age of 17, she decided to   full of life, with a twinkle in
        money bought rice, flour and   take her own life. She thought   her eye when fellow German
        other staples to hold the family   about the different ways to end   immigrant, Wiland Knebel
        over until Papa could find work.   her life and after considering   noticed Vivianne and her life
        This experience made a deep   the possibilities she remem-  changed forever. When Wiland
        impression on Vivianne, and she   bered she heard- once if you   saw Vivianne he ‘thought she
        decided to take life in her own   were in a garage and closed the   was a stone that looked different
        hands.                     door and let a car motor run   from all the others. I had the
           At 14, she begged her moth-  you would be overcome with   foresight to polish that stone,
        er to get a work permit for her   carbon monoxide and simply   and it turned into a diamond.”
        so she could go to work and help   fall into a deep sleep. With the   The soon to be diamond and
        the family. Vivianne got a dream   garage door closed and the   her knight married in 1965 and
        job for a 14-year-old immigrant,   motor running, Vivianne was   immigrated to the United States
        one that would guarantee her   about to let her young life leave   and found success in Wiland‘s
        future and give her a profession.   her body when suddenly she   wood exporting business. They   radiation, and the loving support
        She was to work for a dentist,   saw a little girl with cropped   raised two children together   of Wiland, Vivianne is a cancer
        and he was going to train her   hair wearing a short dress. The   and settled in the Midwest.  survivor.
        to become a dental assistant.   little girl asked Vivianne what   Wiland has always en-  Vivianne‘s decided that it
        Vivianne looked older than her   she was doing and immediately   couraged Vivianne to be all she   was time to pay tribute to her
        young 14 years and her natural   Vivianne turned off the engine.  could be, and she learned to   husband, and to share her story.
        beauty was beginning to become   While getting out of the car   pilot a plane, run a marathon   A story of a brave Lady, who
        noticeable. One afternoon when   and shaking her head clear, Vivi-  and become that shiny diamond.   survived bombs, hunger, sexual
        the dentist was out, a friend of   anne looked for this little girl but   Vivianne declares that one of her   abuse, and the stigma of being
        the dentist sexually assaulted   couldn‘t find her.   biggest accomplishments was   illegitimate, and cancer.
        Vivianne.                      Vivianne’s told me she   when she became an American   The minute she turned
           Her next job was one of   thought the little girl was about   citizen. “This country has given   off the engine in that garage,
        service as she began making   6, and she thought maybe she   us so much, and we are forever   she knew she had a mission to
        sandwiches behind the lunch   came into the garage by a side   grateful for that.” Vivianne‘s   complete. Her mission has been
        counter at Woolworth‘s, a large   door. I would like to entertain   gratitude extends to her husband   fulfilled by sharing her story, so
        drugstore that became famous   another idea if I may. As most of   of 55 years and to Karsten Jo-  others may know that trials and
        as they sold a myriad of different   you know I am an energy healer   ehnk, another German immi-  tribulations can be overcome
        things. Vivianne liked this job   among other things. I believe   grant, who has been a partner   as long as you keep a positive
        as she felt appreciated and even   we all have an inner child that   since 1974, a visionary, a friend   attitude.
        noticed with her little name tag.   will appear when and if we need   and a family member. She decid-  Vivianne and Wiland are
        She wanted more out of life, so   them to help us with unparallel   ed to write a book called, From   retired and live in La Jolla, an af-
        while working at Woolworth,   wisdom. I would like to think   Rubble To Champagne for his   fluent California community and
        she enrolled in night school and   this little girl was actually her   80th birthday.  part of San Diego County. They
        learned how to be a stenog-  inner child, telling her she had a   Vivianne was presented   still enjoy each other’s company.
        rapher and how to type. This   whole life to live and a mission   with yet another obstacle she   She takes good care of herself
        proved to be a smart decision as   to complete. I also believe that   would have to overcome. In a   and sets a beautiful table with
        soon after she was able to find   part of that mission was writing   routine visit with her doctor, he   wine glasses ready for her knight
        a job working with the famed   this book to help others in simi-  found a lump in her breast. After   to fill. She is also very fashion
        German automaker Volkswagen.   lar circumstances.     a mammogram, she was given   conscious, takes regular trips to
        She was excited to be a part of   With a newfound ener-  her diagnosis of breast cancer.   Europe to check out the latest
        a large team of women working   gy, Vivianne returned to her   She was shocked and in disbelief,  fashion, and is always perfectly
        together, but soon became very   job and was able to transfer   why now when everything she   coiffed. This, ladies and gents, is
        despondent as these women   to another job with the same   had worked for her whole life   my idea of a real Lady!
        were over twice her age. There   Volkswagen company as the   was finally achieved. After may-  To learn more about Vivi-
        was no camaraderie - no life.  secretary to the manager of the   be 15 minutes of self-pity, Viv-  anne’s incredible life order her
           Every day that passed was   customer service department.   ianne decided she would treat   book:
        becoming more and more op-  One day a handsome, dash-  cancer like she has treated every    From Rubble To Champag-
        pressive and Vivianne became   ing young man walked in and   challenge in her life. She faced   ne:Rising from the ashes of war-
        very depressed and decided all   bought a Porsche. He didn‘t   it with a positive attitude and   torn Berlin to a life of grace,
        her efforts to improve herself   have a white steed or shiny   refused to allow this dreaded   beauty and gratitude.
        and help her family were in   armor, but he was Vivianne‘s   disease to invade her life the way   Available at
        vain. No matter what she did,   white knight and her savior.   it had her body. After surgery,   and Barnes and Noble

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