Page 25 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 25

ith the upcoming hol-
               iday season, you may   Transform This Holiday Season
        Wfeel like Scrooge who
        was dreading the “Ghost of Christ-  With Your Children Into A Magical Wonderland
        mas which is yet to come.”  The
        Pandemic has created fear, sad-                   By Dr. Denna Stacer
        ness, and negative anticipation for
        many families  this year. Thinking   the list going until your children   time to spread out the small steps
        about the holidays may be caus-  move out of your home.   creates more positive anticipation
        ing you anxiety and confusion.   Decide on a date to complete   for your children and keeps them
        Remember the Ghost of Christ-  the first holiday activity. Aim to   excited about being with you
        mas Present showed Scrooge that   complete the special activity with-  again, in the near future. Children
        even the poor Cratchit family still   in one to three weeks of the start   do not understand the concept
        celebrated the holidays togeth-  date. The never-ending list keeps   of time. For children, time seems
        er. During this particular holiday   everyone thinking about having   to take forever until an event ar-
        season, you can create wonderful   fun together. It gives everyone a   rives. Since you are pacing things
        memories with your children that   purpose and direction for the days   out over a few days or weeks, your
        will last a lifetime.      ahead. You will find that excitement   children will continue to feel close
           Here are seven strategies you   starts growing in everyone’s imagi-  to you because the next time with
        can do with your children to per-  nation. You are creating dreams for   you is “forever away.”
        manently lift everyone’s spirit.   your family in the future.
                                                               Give your children a voice and a vote
        Always create something to look  Select one special activity from  in all activities you do with them.   for other people’s opinions and
       1                           3                          5                           spect the equipment and tools
                                   the never-ending list that every-
                                                               Just  as  your  children  get  excited
        forward to daily: Since The Stone-
                                                               about  the  simple  things  you  do
        Age, our brains have been wired for  one in your family wants to do: Al-
                                                                                          different skills.  They learn to re-
        negative anticipation. We normally
                                   ways have a special activity going
                                                               together, you can give them an
        react with fear, sadness, loneliness,
                                                                                          needed to complete each task.
                                                               opportunity to express their opin-
                                   on with your family. Select anoth-
                                                               ion and vote on the special activi-
                                                                                          You are teaching them to take re-
                                   er special activity to do together
        and depression when bad things
                                   while you are completing the first
        happen to us. To share our laugh-
                                                               ties they want to do with you first,
                                                                                          sponsibility for their assignments
        ter, joy, excitement, and cheer, we
                                                                                          a special goal.
                                                               to feel like their voice counts and
        must deliberately create some-
                                   dren about what you are going
        thing we look forward to doing in   activity. Always talk to your chil-  second and third. Children need   and the hard work it takes to reach
                                   to be doing to make the special
                                                               that they are special. Giving them
        the near future. Researchers tell   event happen.      choices and helping them make  Special activities with your family
        us that positive anticipation helps   Children stay excited about all   decisions helps them feel valu-  will create a magical connection and
        to take us out of a funk quickly, as   the simple little things that they   able.  You can help your children  an unbreakable bond with your chil-
        long as we are doing activities we   get  to do with you. Their  excite-  grow by offering them the chance  dren. When you follow the first six
        are looking forward to doing.   ment becomes contagious and   to look up ideas and share what   steps in this list with your children
           Sit down as a family and discuss   spreads to everyone in the family.   they have learned. You are helping   you will find you are constantly
        all of the fun activities, ideas, and   You will notice that you will feel   them build confidence and com-  amazed  at  how  magical  this  pro-
        events you want to do during this   more positive, hopeful, and less   petence.   cess becomes to your family’s emo-
        season. Ideas can include things   stressed over the world situation              tional well-being. You will find it is
        like baking special family recipes,   when you are constantly creating  Your children will learn powerful   easy to keep that never-ending list
        watching favorite holiday movies,   fun things together.   life skills while they have fun with   growing because it is so rewarding.
        looking at holiday lights, decorat-                    you. You can teach your children   You will want to expand special
        ing the home, making, or wrapping  Invite your children to help you do   how to get along with others and   activities with other family and
        special gifts for others. All of these  every step along the way to com-  learn communication skills. Going   friends as time goes on.
                                                              back to baking cookies together,
        special activities will get your chil-  pleting the special activity:  Your  6       You may find that your own
        dren excited and feeling hopeful.   children can help you with each   you will be helping your children   heart will experience great laugh-
        They will lift your spirits too.   of these steps. Let’s say you decide   learn fractions when they measure   ter like Scrooge did.  When he
                                   to bake holiday cookies together.
        Create a never-ending-list of ac- 4                   ingredients. They will learn to fol-  awoke, he felt full of life, and his
                                                                                          transformation brought more de-
                                                              low instructions in a recipe. They
                                   You will choose one cookie recipe
       2                           ingredients for the shopping list.   work together in the kitchen with   same delight as you experience
        tivities to do with your children:
                                                              will learn chemistry while mixing
                                   to make first. Talk about the recipe.
                                                                                          light to those he cared the most
                                                              ingredients. And they will learn to
                                                                                          deeply  about.  May  you  feel  the
                                   Your children can write down the
        This never-ending-list should al-
        ways be growing with new ideas
                                   Set a date to go to the store. Gath-
                                                                                          the magical connections with your
        and activities everyone wants to
                                                              other family members.
                                                                                          family during this holiday season
        do over time. Set up a special time
                                   er the ingredients and let them
                                                                 When your children do the
                                   help put them away at home.
                                                              little steps on the way to com-
                                                                                          and for the rest of your life. Happy
        to invite your children to help you
        think of as many ideas and activ-
                                   and bake the cookies.  Take pic-
        ities they want to do together.
                                                              have planned, they become more
                                                                                          If you would like to learn more sim-
                                   tures, post, and share these with
                                                              appreciative for how much work
        Write  the  ideas  down  and  post   Schedule a day and time to make   pleting the special activity you   Holidays. God Bless us everyone!
        them in a place where your chil-  family. After the cookies are made,   it takes to complete an activity.   ple strategies that will empower
        dren can see them daily. Add other   have a taste test. Score the results.   When you give your children guid-  you while you raise confident, resil-
        activities to the never-ending list,   Share the cookies with others.   ance and challenge them to find   ient well-adjusted and happy chil-
        like camping, hiking, vacationing,   Repeat in the same way with the   the best solutions to solving prob-  dren, contact Deena Stacer, PHD
        making breakfast in the park, re-  next activity.     lems they feel competent and   at
        decorating rooms, creating family   Do not be in a hurry to do ev-  smarter. You will also be teaching
        plays, making family videos...Keep   erything on the same day. Taking   them respect. They learn respect
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