Page 22 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 22
USS Tripoli Arrived in San Diego
The Navy’s newest am- ship in San Diego, joins Tripoli’s arrival brings ously assigned to a Casablan-
phibious assault ship, USS the Wasp-class large deck approximately 1,100 Sailors ca-class escort carrier which
Tripoli (LHA 7), arrived at its amphibious assault vessels and their family members to saw service in the Second
new homeport in San Diego, USS Essex (LHD 2), USS Boxer the San Diego area. World War. Later, the first
Sept. 18, 2020. (LHD 4), USS Bonhomme “It will be nice to get amphibious assault ship with
The Navy’s latest Ameri- Richard (LHD 6), and USS the ship to her homeport the name USS Tripoli (LPH 10)
ca-class amphibious assault Makin Island (LHD 8). As the in San Diego, a city that is served in Vietnam and during
ship, USS Tripoli arrived largest amphibious ship on renowned for its continu- the Gulf War.
at Naval Base San Diego the waterfront, Tripoli serves ing support of our service Tripoli was built in
following its commissioning as an LHD variant designed members," said Master Chief Pascagoula, Mississippi, by
and subsequent sail around to accommodate the Marine Alicia Harrison, Tripoli’s act- Huntington Ingalls Indus-
South America this summer. Corps' future Air Combat ing Command Master Chief. tries. Prior to departing for
“Our Sailors did an out- Element (ACE) including the "This crew has not ceased to San Diego, Tripoli’s crew
standing job in getting Tripoli F-35B Lightning II and MV-22 amaze me in how they have conducted a 14-day restric-
safely to our new homeport Osprey. risen to every challenge from tion of movement (ROM) in
of San Diego,” said Capt. Kev- “Tripoli serves as a fine ex- ship's delivery, to crew move accordance with U.S. Navy
in Meyers, Tripoli’s command- ample of our Sailors’ ability to aboard, to operating under pre-deployment guidelines.
ing officer. “Now, we shift our learn, adapt, and continuous- new health guidelines, to sail In addition, the Navy can-
focus to preparing this ship ly improve even in the face around.” celled the ship’s traditional
for her future mission: sup- of uncertainty,” said Capt. Tripoli is the second LHA commissioning ceremony as
porting combat operations Jennifer Ellinger, commodore to be delivered to the Navy, a COVID mitigation measure.
and providing humanitarian of Amphibious Squadron and the third in naval history The Navy commissioned
assistance around the globe, (CPR) 7. “The ship’s arrival to bear the name which Tripoli via naval message on
in the air, on land, and sea.” here today is exciting and the harkens back to the first U.S. 15 July and transitioned the
Tripoli, the only Ameri- crew has worked diligently to battle fought on foreign soil. ship into service as sched-
ca-class amphibious assault get to this point.” The name Tripoli was previ- uled.