Page 19 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 19

Women of Distinction

        Principal Consultant had become available   Although she is far from home, Donna  to do, they are able to help companies to see
        with her now firm, 5P Consulting. “With-  has a very close relationship with all of her  how technology has made things easier if
        out even thinking twice we both knew it  siblings and they make it a point of having  they need to have employees remotely do-
        would be a perfect fit. We have been work-  an annual trip where they all gather to visit  ing their jobs. With old technologies, much
        ing hand-in-hand ever since.” Now Donna  and catch up on what has been going on in  of this would not be possible.
        is a Managing Partner and Fractional CIO  their lives. “I listened to some words from   Many businesses have had to scale back
        with 5P Consulting.                 my mom when she was pretty sick and these  and rethink things and, look at their road-
           Having  had  the  pleasure  of  getting  to  words struck home with me. She was ada-  maps differently. These business changes
        know both of these amazing women it is  mant about how important it is to keep the  may have slowed things down for other con-
        instantly apparent that they make an in-  family together and so that is something  sulting firms, but for 5P they have taken this
        credible  team.  “We  have  become  family  that is very important to me.” Donna and  opportunity to do something that this com-
        now. It's not just a business that provides  her son, Caleb, who is 19 and attending Cal  pany with a huge heart has always wanted to
        a much-needed service; we are all here for  Poly Pomona, have an extremely close rela-  do. “We are so passionate about what we do
        each other. If I am having a bad day, I can  tionship. “I am about family. I am about my  that we aren’t letting anything get in our way
        call Y’vonne or one of the other teammates  nieces and nephews, my sisters, and broth-  to help businesses. We are currently doing
        and vice versa. I've been at 5P consulting for  ers, and this even transfers to how I do busi-  pro bono work for some of the local busi-
        a little over two years now and I love it. I love  ness. When I go into a company, I like for it  nesses, some of the smaller businesses here
        the path that we're going down. I love how  to be more of a family-type environment, I  in San Diego. We are saying ‘Hey, I know
        we go in and can literally assess an organiza-  like to greet people by their first names and  you may not have the budget or capital right
        tion's infrastructure and find out what their  get to know a bit about them not just as em-  now, but let's see how we can help you.” It’s
        pain points are. We come in and really just  ployees of the company, but as people.”   all about helping other businesses in  the
        turn their companies around, helping to di-  Since the pandemic, many businesses  community, providing value, and helping
        rect them into the next phase of their orga-  have slowed down, but thanks to the work  businesses become more efficient through
        nization’s growth.”                 that 5P Consulting has done and continues  the use of data and technology solutions.

                   Brett Stokes                                construction crew member.

                                                               Brett expressed, "It then started
                   "Muralist in Town"                          to almost become a career type
                                                               of thing."
              Photos and Article by Maggie Ramos                  Brett took the time to sit
                                                               and share about the opportuni-
                                                               ty to work with other muralists
            Don't be a stranger. Talk to   I recently took the time   artists and traveled to Arizona,
        your neighbors. You will learn   to meet and know more about   New Mexico, Nevada, Colo-
        a lot from them. I've learned   my neighbor and friend, Brett   rado, and California to show
        from my neighbors, and our   Stokes. I've learned he is a   some of his work in different
        neighbors have learned from   great artist, and now I also   galleries and paint interiors in
        us as a family.            know one of the muralists   casinos.
                                   in town. Brett grew up in      Brett laughs as he says, "I
                                   Fallbrook and enjoyed it all the   never hit it big you know, but
                                   way.                        it was marginal success, and it
                                       During his high school   was fun." Brett practiced road
                                   years, he was doing a lot of art   trips and enjoyed the country
                                   and taking a lot of art courses,   sightseeing as he traveled.
                                   but then got into construc-  In the past, he has also done   and they are not much differ-
                                   tion and didn't do much art.   home interior art and partic-  ent from any other canvas. He
                                   During his construction time   ipated with the mural at the   has also done, and still does,
                                   people learned he was capa-  entrance of the library in Vista   children’s books. Brett contin-
                                   ble of being a good artist and   Ca. Most recently he has been   ues to work by commission.
                                   began requesting signs, logos,   invited to do a few murals in
                                   magazine illustrations, and   Fallbrook.                  You can find this great
                                   different art from him. Before   Brett explains to me that   artist and friend "Brett Stokes,"
                                   Brett knew it, he was practic-  the canvases on the murals   at or
                                   ing more as an artist than a   become feet instead of inches,   text him at 760-420-8656

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