Page 15 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
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Women of Distinction
not only working as a caregiver but she had Citadel particularly loves caring for make certain that their money will work
obtained two additional positions, one as a older individuals who are nearing retire- for them in the long run, even if unantici-
personal assistant and the other working as ment and living in retirement. “I want to pated events occur.”
a photographer and event planner. be certain that they have properly prepared Citadel reminds readers that even
“I was working as a personal assistant for this time in their life, so they don’t run if you don't have money, it is actually a
with an amazing lady in Newport and she out of funds. They need to consider that great time to ask for help. Working with
was a financial advisor, she was one of the their healthcare costs will go up and that an adviser does not mean that you must
top 100 best female financial advisor in the cost of living in general will rise. Once already have money, many clients search
California and top 1000 in the country. I you stop working, you need to be certain
was fascinated watching the way in which that your money doesn’t stop working for
she guided her clients in every decision you. Also, I wanted to make sure that no
of their life, as most important decisions one will try to take advantage of them.
involved money. I watched the tremendous I wanted them to have the level of care, ser-
differences her help made in the lives of vice, and respect that they deserve.”
her clients.” Many young people do not consider
It was then that Citadel’s research the need to hire a financial advisor, and
began, searching out the best company to many individuals feel that unless they have
align herself with so she could be the best a large fortune to be concerned about,
possible advisor for her future clients. “My a financial advisor will not be willing to
husband’s father had a childhood friend work with them. Citadel makes sure that
who worked for Edward Jones for many they understand that this is not the case.
years, and he introduced me to this won- “For young people, I help them build their
derful company. Ironically, my research wealth. The first move I suggest is for them
had led me to the same result.” to get a life insurance policy because you
One of the most important lessons cannot anticipate what may happen in your
Citadel learned was the importance of life, and you need to be prepared should
listening to her clients. “You need to listen an accident happen. My clients who were
closely to the needs of your clients because paraplegics never expected that their lives
one decision can impact other aspects of could change so desperately in a matter of
their lives. So, you must be certain that minutes. One of these clients was living
you're making a good decision based on life to the fullest, and an accident changed
what's really important to the person and their entire future. They were forced to start
to their family. If you do this, they will be fundraising campaigns in order to pay for
your client forever.” the expensive treatments, and the level of
I asked Citadel what her favorite part service and equipment they required to
of her job was, and she responded, “My fa- even be comfortable in their new existence.”
vorite part is that my job allows me to help I asked Citadel what advice she would
people understand what is really important give to our readers in terms of being sure
to them. Sometimes they are not even cer- to protect their future. “First, I would
tain what that might be. So, guiding them encourage everyone, regardless of how out financial advice in order to become
to know what their priorities are, what are young they may be, to protect themselves rich, in order to build wealth, so they can
their short-term and long-term goals, and by getting life insurance, and disability have a great life. According to Citadel, you
how they can achieve these goals. I become insurance, to ensure their financial future. are never too young or too old to plan for
part of their family. Lately my clients are I would also tell them to work with a pro- your financial wellbeing.
in need of advice and comfort, which has fessional that really understands them and Life has changed in the best way since
been especially important due to the eco- will spend time learning what is important Citadel has become a mom to Jasmine
nomic challenges we are all now facing.” to them.” Jade, her beautiful ten months old daugh-
Citadel’s clients know that she is Citadel admits that there are a lot of ter. “I'm a different person since she was
always there to help them and is always just financial advisors and planners out there, born. I have always been focused on my
a phone call away. This helps to calm their but they are not all the same. “What really career and I still am, but there is a new side
fears. “I say to them that whatever happens differentiates me from other planners is the of me that wants to not only protect my
in this environment, in this economy, it's care that I provide. The time I take to really daughter from harm, but it has made me
important for them to hold my hand, to understand what is important to my clients more passionate about protecting every-
make sure that when the time comes, if and why. If they themselves don’t know, I one around me, particularly family which
you're feeling down, I'm holding your hand try to help them figure it out. It is not only includes my clients.”
and I can pull you up and get you back up about making money, it is also about mak- I asked Citadel what a new client can
on your feet.” ing sure they don’t lose their money and to expect from her in their first meeting. “I