Page 10 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 10

Women of Distinction

                                                                                              not every traveler knows
                                                                                              about. My app allows the
                                                                                              traveler to not only do the
                                                                                              touristy things, but to find
                                                                                              the best local spots so you
                                                                                              can truly get a feel for the
                                                                                              place you are visiting.”
                                                                                                 I took some time on
                                                                                              the app and even after
                                                                                              living here over 20 years
                                                                                              and running a local mag-
                                                                                              azine, I still found things
                                                                                              to do that I didn’t even
                                                                                              know about. One element
                                                                                              I liked best about Locali is
                                                                                              that you can create your
                                                                                              own profile and make
                                                                                              it public or hidden. If
                                                                                              public, it allows you or
                                                                                              another user to connect
                                                                                              if you are looking for
                                                                                              someone to explore along
                                                                                              with you."
                        due to an increased ac-  job. There is however still   would be a great idea. We   Download Locali on
                        ceptance toward a remote   that travel bug in her and   are such a generation of   the Apple app store and
                        workforce, Sherise spe-  it was bound to come out   experience and explora-  check it out for yourself.
                        cializes in placing region-  some way. “I have been   tion and wanting to “do   You will love it. With
                        al enterprise sales reps   thinking about this for   as the locals do” which   Covid, Sherise has piv-
                        who often work remotely,   quite some time. After   led me to the develop-  oted a bit and refocused
                        and this has opened up a   some experiences that I   ment of my app, Locali.   her app to include more
                        huge talent pool and un-  have had traveling, one   The concept of    outdoor activities, open
                        tapped market for those   thing became obvious   Locali is bringing people   air or rooftop restaurants,
                        not required to go in   to me. I realized that   together by matching   and other events that peo-
                        office daily. “I always find   when visiting a foreign   their interests with others.   ple could still enjoy amid
                        recruiting very rewarding,   country people wish they   You can swipe through   our pandemic, and I must
                        knowing I have impacted   had a friend there. I was   fellow travelers, adven-  say she did that wonder-
                        someone’s life by helping   lucky to have one in New   turers, and even locals   fully. Of course, being in
                        them find that next step   Zealand who could show   to make the most out of   a city with approximately
                        in their career with an   me the ropes. I realized   your trip and make some   360 days a year of great
                        awesome company who    that was it, what was   new friends along the   weather also made this a
                        puts their people and cul-  missing was an app that   way. "You can explore   possibility. Sherise’s app
                        ture first. Candidates are   offers connections and   local gems and find fun   is fully functional for San
                        excited at the prospect of   experiences, a way I can   local activities, hikes,   Diego and she is working
                        obtaining a position with   pay it forward to those   beachfronts, park views,   towards one day having
                        a growing tech company,   who were so hospitable   farmers’ markets, rooftop   a Locali version for every
                        even though they are not   to me. An app that can   lounges and breathtaking   hot spot you plan to visit.
                        in the same state where   help people who are vis-  city skylines, making your
                        the company is physically   iting new places, recently   experience an adventure.   To learn more about
                        located.”              moved to a new city, or   You will never miss a   Sherise and her new
                           Sherise is definitely   even locals dial up that   special event going on   app Locali visit her
                        a people person, so this   “go-to friend” for sug-  in town. You can do   site at or
                        position is ideal for her   gestions on what to do   everything from concerts,   download Locali on the
                        since she is meeting   and where to go. Having   sporting events or even   Apple app store.
                        new people all the time,   the ability to look at your   just finding the best spot
                        connecting, and playing   phone and find the hot   for Taco Tuesday. There   Email:
                        a huge part in helping   places to eat, or listen to   is so much that keeps   Instagram: @explorelocali
                        them to find their ideal   music, or go for a hike   our cities vibrant that   Facebook: @explorelocali

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