Page 9 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 9
Women of Distinction
ative San Diegan “I decided since I had my
great sales administration Sherise
NSherise Varga has degree, it was time to use
always had a love of travel. it. I applied for a work visa
Sherise attended Whittier and ended up landing a
College, a private division
3 school where she played job with Oyster Bay Wine
Lacrosse. “I graduated in in Auckland, New Zea- VARGA
2010 with an international land. I had my first big girl
business and marketing job in the real world.”
degree.” When I asked Sherise loved New
Sherise why she chose this Zealand, “I love the people MAKING TRAVELERS
degree, she admitted that and the culture, everyone FEEL AT HOME
her true love was travel was just so hospitable. They
and believed this would work to live, and not the
be the perfect degree for other way around. There By Judith A. Habert
someone with such a pas- are a lot of holidays and
sion, not realizing that you when they aren’t working, Photos courtesy of Sherise Varga
didn’t need to work for an they are very active, have a
international company to passion for rugby, and get-
have an excuse to travel. away on the weekends with
After graduating from their friends and families. One lesson she tive recruiting firm, and
college, Sherise started Their wine is some of the learned quickly was how she always wanted to take
working at a local wine best I ever had, and yes, I lonely it could be to be someone under her wing
bar in San Diego, named am admittedly a bit biased! a young woman alone to train. I figured that I
the Barrel Room. Little However, in essence of it in a foreign country. would give it a shot, and
did she know how this all they know how to enjoy Luckily, she had been it ended up being a career
would make her develop life. Even if you are some- introduced to a native that I love. I am going on
a great love of wine. She what of a stranger to them, New Zealander from her 7 years and am now Vice
developed quite a refined they will invite you into friend in the states and President at eSearchPro,
palate at the young age of their home. They really Sherise was very grateful Inc.
21. When Sherise wasn’t loved hosting gatherings that there was someone eSearchPro is a boutique
working she was doing and showing their genuine there to kind of show her executive search firm who
what she loved, traveling. Kiwi hospitality.” the ropes. She learned partners with software
where the best restau- startups and tech com-
rants, beaches, and night panies and helps scale
spots were and soon made their sales, marketing,
close friends of her own. and product teams with
That little bit of loneli- elite talent globally. I love
ness would later fuel an working with C level, VPs
amazing idea when she and their startup compa-
returned to the states. nies; understanding what
When Sherise’s work they need, who they want,
visa expired she was and being part of the pro-
extremely heartbroken cess of helping them truly
to leave, but took away grow out their company
great memories and and sales teams. I find the
long-lasting friendships industry really exciting
she made from her time because technology is ever
there. Coming back to San changing and there's just
Diego was tough for her. always something new
It was the middle of the and always something
holidays and there were that can be innovated,
next to no jobs open for created, and used for the
her to continue on the better.”
career path of which she While Covid has
had dreamed. “My mom's changed how companies
best friend had an execu- are doing business and