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P. 8
Women of Distinction
preparing lessons. Gail put in a lot for her students. The ‘Books and
of work in her free time so that her Beyond’ reading program was
classroom would run smoothly. “I noticed by the school principal
had to be extremely well organized. and Gail then presented it to the
There was a lot of prep work.” In school board. The board loved
addition to the typical preparation the program and asked Gail to
of lesson plans, Gail further ex- organize a school wide “Books
panded her tactical curriculum in and Beyond” program. With the
math, reading, and science/social help of “some very dedicated par-
studies by using physical, tactical ents,” Gail launched and main-
objects and, as mentioned before, tained the “Books and Beyond”
active experiences to help the stu- program for the entire K-8 Pau-
dents learn. ma Valley School District. Gail’s
Solving math problems in efforts with the reading program
Gail’s class was about utilizing would later earn her the ‘Award
physical objects to count, add, of Excellence’ from the Greater
subtract, and sort. Gail made math San Diego Reading Association
centers with boxes, each contain- in 1988, 1990, 1992, and the
ing a different object to be used ‘Teacher of the Year’ award in
for solving problems. These ob- 2001. After teaching for over 30
jects were things like fish, beans, years, Gail retired in 2005.
washers, buttons, pebbles with Helping others learn, howev-
faces, etc. Some of the objects er, did not end at retirement. Gail
were made in multiple colors, so has kept herself busy by taking
they could be separated and sort- care of and teaching her grand-
ed easier. “The boxes were nice children, making quilts, and lots of
because with some of these, it just traveling. In 2009, Gail began vol-
clicked with them because they unteering for PEO (Philanthropic
were physically able to do and Educational Organization), an
see them.” The math centers were organization led by women that
justifiably named ‘Math their way.’ raises money to provide educa-
Almost everything she used had tional opportunities for women of
to be made at her home. “It was all all ages. She is currently the presi-
very tedious and time-consuming dent of a chapter located in Valley
to make, but once they were done, Center.
they were used every day as one of Even after retirement, Gail is
the centers.” still recognized for the learning
Science and social studies experiences she provided for her
were, of course, hands-on expe- students. Parents, and now grown
riences as well. Kids got to make students of hers, recognize her and
their own butter with a butter approach her to give their appre-
churn brought back from Wiscon- ciation. “It was nice to know that
sin. Silk worms were given to each the parents felt good about having
child in a box so they could see the their kids in my classroom. When
progression from caterpillar, to I was out in public, they would
chrysalis, to moth. These are just come up to me and say that their
a couple of examples of things the kids really liked my class. It feels
kids got to do in the classroom. good to know that what you have
One of the most notable done with them has really helped
programs that Gail had launched them learn.”
in her classroom was a reading Gail’s influence and teaching
program called “Books and Be- methods to involve students in
yond.” After attending a class in interactive experiences provided a
the summer, she immediately foundation where kids could truly
implemented the program with- retain what they learned at such a
in her classroom, seeing the in- young age, and which they will re-
credible potential it would have member for years to come.