Page 14 - SDWM Amy Haber CoverGirl
P. 14
Women of Distinction
had navigated Covid, and the disappointment, but you must who is in her first year of high Like this amazing family, even
tough times caused by the pan- keep in mind why you started school. the pets get along well.
demic. “We have a text chain the journey and realize that it “Harrison, my oldest, just What impressed me most
that goes on throughout the is like climbing a mountain. graduated and is moving to from the first moment I met
day to help keep them going, to The best views come after the Austin, Texas after landing a Amy was she was so positive and
motivate them on tough days, hardest climb.” great job as a software design- happy and she just lights up a
and celebrate what they have ac- Not only does Amy have er with General Motors. I'm room. All the positivity did not
complished on the good days.” an incredible team at work, so proud of him and what he seem to wane during covid. So,
Amy admitted that her but she has an equally won- has accomplished. He has the I had to ask her how she does it.
role throughout this past year “I choose to be happy. I choose
has been to listen to her team's gratitude. I choose to look at
concerns and to remain strong the glass as half full. We have
for them because you never to realize how lucky we all are.
know who you're inspiring. “My You look at the large number of
job is to serve and to help them people in the world, that don't
become great. And I love to lift even have a roof over their head.
them up and help to build their They do not have food in their
confidence and self-esteem. bellies. So, we are so lucky and I
At the end of every month, I am always happy to share what I
always send them a handwritten can with those who are in need.”
note and a little gift. It could be With all the success that
a candle, a bottle of wine, or a Amy has had in her life, I asked
notebook with an inspirational what advice she would have for
quote on it. During covid, we those wanting to take a similar
made it a practice to have a path. “I think that the biggest
virtual zoom happy hour every thing to remember is not to let
Friday at 2:00 so our east coast anybody tell you that something
and west coast teams could all can't be done. The only one who
attend. We all had a glass of can stop you is you. So never
wine and toasted each other on take no for an answer and figure
getting through the week.” out what lights your spark, what
Covid hit SENTÉ hard, as Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions it is that makes you happy. And
it did most companies, we had be brave enough to start, and
to reduce the bodies on our strong enough to finish. Just
team due to covid, however, the keep going and keep following
encouraging aspect is that the whatever that passion is that you
cut did not affect sales numbers. have, and don't stop until you
The smaller team generated the get it.”
same amount of revenue as they Amy has never stopped or
did with a full staff. This alone derful one at home. “I have an kindest heart that I have ever looked back she believes that the
shows you what a great inspi- amazing husband that I have seen, and he is an overall great key to success is always moving
ration Amy is to her team and been married to for 24 years in guy. My middle son is Max, and forward.“My goal is to continue
what amazing products they August. Howard and I have a he is the guy that everyone likes to evolve, to continue to grow,
produce. phenomenal relationship. We and the kind of young man all and help my team to do so as
I asked Amy what made are always laughing together. women want their daughters well. Our business is skincare,
SENTÉ such an incredible com- He is very good-looking, but he to marry. My daughter Lola is we are not saving people's lives,
pany. “Getting back to the word is so humble and so sweet. And my little princess and is such but we are making people feel
penned by Faheem, I believe it he makes me feel like I am the a brilliant little girl who has better about themselves. We are
is our resilience, you've got a only woman in this world every handled starting her first year in making them feel more em-
small company and a team of single day, even with all my high school during the pandem- powered and more passionate
players that can work for any- craziness.” ic with grace and has remained and at the end of the day, we are
body, but they chose to be here Amy is also the proud a straight-A student.” helping others feel confident and
because of the culture that we mama of three beautiful There is more to Amy’s that is an important part of what
have built. There is such a sense children, Harrison who just family. They have two golden we hope to accomplish daily.”
of camaraderie, because of the graduated college, Max who is a retrievers Brooklyn and Pacey,
support that we give each other. sophomore at the University of a Shih Tzu named Marley, and Amy can be contacted at
Yes, there are hard days and Arizona, and her youngest Lola a ragdoll kitten named Buddha.