Page 19 - SDWM Amy Haber CoverGirl
P. 19

Women of Distinction

        er I could. That was definitely   environment, her husband   “I also think it is espe-
        my first foray into working for   strongly encouraged her to go   cially important to have great
        myself, working on my own. I   out on her own.  “It had been   mentors to work beside. I was
        picked up a contract position   about every two years that I   very lucky to have Karissa who
        with a company called AMN   got pushed out of my positions   continues to be a great mentor,
        healthcare, a big healthcare   in marketing and with the last   friend, and boss. I think every-
        staffing company, and that con-  one, my husband said, that's   body should have mentors, but
        tract position parlayed into a   it, we're done. You're starting   I feel that women especially
        full-time role where I ended up  your own business.”  need mentors because we need
        staying for about five years.”  In 2018 Diana started Pet-  advocates and people that
           During Diana’s time there   rastella Communications. The   give us the confidence to be
        she got married, had her   name is Latin for “Rockstar,”   who we are in the workplace
        first baby, and completed her   which Diana Jones definitely   while helping to navigate the
        MBA. “I went back to AMN   is. “It was a little scary in the   politics.
        after having my first daughter,   beginning but at the same time    Since Diana has worked
        Chloe, and she just changed   extremely exciting. I picked up   in several agencies I asked
        my heart. I was a bit hesitant   my first client rather quickly   if it was better for someone
        to leave her to go back to work,   and then about a month later   starting out to work in a small
        I also found that my job had   Karissa surfaced again in-  boutique type agency or in one
        changed, and I wasn’t as happy   forming me that she had just   of the larger firms? “I think
        at the job as I had been.”  obtained a position at Walmart   a small agency is best.  Espe-
           It was just then that she   as the VP of marketing for   cially when you are younger
        received a phone call from her   their health and wellness   and just starting out.  At a
        good friend and colleague Ka-  business. She had a great team   smaller agency, you get to have
        rissa Price-Rico.  She had start-  working with her, but no one   your hands on everything and
        ed working for a new company,  had experience in the area of   figure out what you like best.
        Intel-GE Care Innovations,   healthcare. They hired Pet-  I often think about the fact
        that was launching a remote   rastella as an outside vendor to   that I went to college wanting   parents and in-laws live down
        patient monitoring tele-health   manage a physician marketing   to be a lawyer and ended up   the street and her sister is just
        program and Karissa knew it   research project initially and   in advertising. Since there are   a few towns away.  “I'm finding
        would be a great fit for Diana.   most recently, we’ve supported   many different positions in   that life-work balance is every-
        The best part was that it was   the launch of their first ever   an Ad Agency, you might go   thing, especially when you are
        a fully remote position which   private labeled analog insulin.   in thinking you want to be a   launching your own business.
        meant she could work from   So, I went in there as an agen-  social media manager.  Then   Getting through the pandemic
        home and better manage time   cy, and we've just been able to   you realize you hate being   was rough, but we all managed
        with her daughter. About a   grow. Today, we support their   tethered to your phone twen-  to survive it and learned to
        year after she started her new   specialty pharmacy business,   ty-four-seven, and that media   work a bit differently.  Spend-
        job, she became pregnant with   their wellness division, and we   planning or the strategy side   ing more time with the family
        her second child and gave birth  launched a wellness Wednes-  is actually your strong suit.   was definitely a positive aspect
        to her second daughter, Leah.   day newsletter program.  It's   I think starting at a smaller   of the pandemic.  It caused us
           When Karissa left Care   been really great and it's a great  agency and honing your skill-  to slow down and everyone in
        Innovations Diana decided to   partnership and we really feel   set is the best way to go.”   our industry held their breath
        follow her to her new com-  like a part of their team.”   At Petrastella they focus   for the first two weeks or so.
        pany, not unlike her previous   I asked Diana what advice   primarily on the health and   Then we just regrouped and
        experiences this position only   she would give to someone   wellness sector. This is a broad   learned how to make it all
        lasted for nine months when   wanting to follow in her   area including not only the   work.”
        the company went through an   footsteps. “I think that the best   usual health and wellness
        acquisition and restructured,   place to start is to focus on   products and services it can   Diana and her crew at
        eliminating both their roles.   your writing.  Write as much   also be a lifestyle brand, a spa,   Petrastellar work tirelessly to
        Diana then spent several years   as you can and get comfort-  or even a gym.      introduce amazing products
        at a handful of start-ups and   able putting words on paper,   Although Diana is   and services to San Diegans.
        other companies. All this time   putting thoughts on paper. It   completely dedicated to her   If you want more information
        she proved herself as highly   is critical in this profession.   agency and the good they can   about Diana and Petrastellar
        adept at going out on her own   It's also a confidence issue.   do, there is one thing that   contact her at
        and picking up work when   You need to be confident in   she views as most important,
        needed. After a short stint back  your ability to communicate   and that is family.  She is very   or by phone at 310-980-1480
        into an everyday corporate   effectively.”            close to all of her family.  Her

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