Page 381 - Ministry of Economy - December 2017
P. 381

12/25/2017             Jawaher Al Qasimi Takes the Agenda of Advancing Emirati Women in Economy a Step Ahead | Sharjah24

                                                                                         ”.which is an unprecedented step

          Speaking about equalit y not just in pay but organisational positions, opportunities, education and mo re, she added: “There
         are legislations that support equalit y at the workplace, mo re in the public sector. We need to look mo re closely into why the

            private sector is lagging behind. We are tr ying to engage the private sector mo re with governme nt and semi - governme nt
       entities. Educational institutions need to be mo re responsive in updating their curriculum  that trains the youth in jobs that are
               being created in the present day mar ket. For instance, 3D tech training is already ever ywhere in Japan but we are still
        following a mo re traditional route. More importantly, wome n need a lot of coaching to realise their full potential. There mu st
                                          ”.be professional coaching in universities to guide wome n towards appropriate careers

        Dr Mouza Al Shehhi, Director, UN Wome n Abu Dhabi Office brought a global organisational perspective to the table, saying:

        Throughout my  experience at the UN and with all the visits I have ma de globally, I feel wome n in the emi rates are in heaven.
           UN Wome n has 30 programme  rs in over 59 countries that elevate wome n’s status in the economy  and in societ y. The UN
                  .wome n office in the UAE is of imme  nse value for local wome n, and helps us pick up from  their global experiences

           Our goal is to emp ower wome n in leadership and economy , and support wome n in crisis situations by raising awareness“
          about wome n’s safet y in crisis. The UN training facilities have emp owered wome n economi cally all over the world, and we

                                                                     ”.hope to incorporate their expertise to local experiences

              The international recognition of UAE’s efforts for creating a level playing field for both genders has continued with the
       countr y being ranked first in the MENA region by the World Economi c Forum  Gender Gap Report 2016 and amo ng the top 10
          .countries in the global gender wage equalit y index, signaling a brighter future the emp owerme nt of wome n in the countr y

           The UAE is home  to almo st 30,000 businesswome n who run projects worth estima ted investme nts of $15 billion (AED 55

       billion), while wome n represent 46.6%  of the countr y’s total work force in the countr y, demo nstrating the UAE’s leadership in
                                                                                       .wome n's emp owerme nt regionally

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