Page 332 - Ministry of Economy - December2017
P. 332

12/26/2017         Startup MGZN – Concrete steps are taken at WEEGS to promote women’s leadership in economic growth, find out how

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              Concrete steps are taken at WEEGS to promote

              women’s leadership in economic growth,  nd out


                   Startup MGZN  December 7, 2017

              The  rst Women’s Economic Empowerment Global Summit (WEEGS 2017) signaled the
              implementation of one of the recommendations of the UN Secretary General’s High-level
              Panel Report on Women’s Economic Empowerment, which was to address the issue of
              women’s economic empowerment by working directly with female entrepreneurs with a

              speci c focus on building the bridge between them and the private sector, bringing
              stakeholders together and building partnerships between them.

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