Page 336 - Ministry of Economy - December2017
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12/26/2017                 Concrete steps to promote women’s leadership in economic growth taken at WEEGS | Sharjah24

       Concrete steps to promote women’s leadership

                                 in economic growth taken at WEEGS

                                                                            Wednesday 06, December 2017 in 2:36 PM

                                                                                   During the closing ceremo ny of WEEGS
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                 Sharjah 24: The first W    omen   s Economic Empowerment Global Summit (WEEGS 2017)
           signaled the implementation of one of the recommendations of the UN Secretar                  y Gener al  s
        High-level P  anel Report on W    omen   s Economic Empowerment, which was to address the issue
           of women    s economic empowerment by working directly with female entrepreneurs with a

                    specific focus on building the bridge bet      ween them and the private sector, bringing
                                          .stakeholders together and building partnerships bet           ween them

         Gender-responsive procureme nt of goods and ser vices by increasing the numb er of products procured from  wome n owned
           and run enterprises, and mak ing it a mai nstream  trade practice instead of an exception, was one of the summi ts key focus
            .areas, as per the UN Report’s recomme  ndations. Currently, only 1 percent of goods procured globally fall in this categor y

             I want to thank the UAE governme nt and the Emi rati leadership who have played a pivotal role in different ways,” said"

                                   .Phumz ile Mlamb o-Ngcuka, the Under Secretar y General and Executive Director of UN Wome n
           We are left with only 13 years before 2030 by which time  we should have reached substantive equalit y. We are ma king a"

       case and argume nt that gender equalit y is not an open ended journey; it has an expir y date. What would the world look like in
             2030 if it lived up to the expectations of the Agenda 2030? Violence against wome n will not be a norm;  societ y will not  1/3
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