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P. 338

12/26/2017                 Concrete steps to promote women’s leadership in economic growth taken at WEEGS | Sharjah24

         the world, and enable her to take her rightful place in societ y. This summi  t has opened a huge floor for ma ny challenges we
           face as wome n. In 20 specialised panels, we have discussed the challenges that face gender equalit y and hinder wome n’s
          participation in man y sectors of the economy , especially the non-traditional ones. We hope that the recomme  ndations and
                                                            ”.commi  tme nts mad e here will bring tangible changes for wome n

           This summi  t came  up with enlightening projections that are expected to elevate the cause of wome n in the economy  and
        societ y. The organisers of the event hope that by the next edition in 2019, ma ny recomme  ndations will be imp leme nted and
                                                                          .tangible results and success stories will be shared
          The first edition of WEEGS was organised by the NAMA Wome n Advanceme nt Establishme nt (NAMA) and United Nations
          Entit y for Gender Equalit y and the Emp owerme nt of Wome n (UN Wome n), and held under the patronage of His Highness
           Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohame d Al Qasimi , Memb er of the Supreme  Council Ruler of Sharjah, and his wife, Her Highness
            Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohamme  d Al Qasimi , Chairperson of NAMA Wome n Advancement Establishme nt and Honorar y

         Patron for Global Wome n’s Inclusion, to achieve the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developme nt, which was
                                                                   .adopted by the UN General Assemb ly in Septemb er 2015

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