Page 16 - Park and Open Space Plan
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strengthen social relationships within the family. For activities such as bicycling, hiking and nature study,
participation provides an opportunity to educate younger members of the family in the importance of
environmental issues, which may become of greater concern as they approach adulthood.
1. A sufficient number of facilities for participation in extensive land-based outdoor recreation
activities should be provided throughout the County.
2. Public facilities provided for these activities should be located within the linear resource-
oriented recreation corridors identified in Objective 1.
3. Public facilities provided for these activities should comply with the Waukesha County Park
System Park Classifications Guidelines for County Park Facilities (See Page 6).
OBJECTIVE 3b – Provide Water-Based Outdoor Recreation Activities
To provide sufficient surface water-access areas to afford the resident population of the County
adequate opportunity to participate in extensive water-based outdoor recreation activities consistent
with safe and enjoyable inland lake and river use and the maintenance of good water quality.
Principle – The Benefits of Water-based Outdoor Recreation Activities
The major lakes and rivers of the County accommodate participation in extensive water-based outdoor
recreation activities including canoeing, kayaking, fishing, ice fishing, motor boating, sailing and water
skiing, which may involve unique forms of physical exercise or simply provide opportunities for rest and
relaxation within a particularly attractive setting. Participation in extensive water-based recreation
activities requires general public access to major inland lakes and rivers.
1. Access sites available for use by the general public on rivers and lakes that are 50 acres or larger
should be provided in accordance with the requirements established by the Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources in Section NR 1.90 and NR 1.91 of the Wisconsin
Administrative Code.
2. Access sites with appropriate parking and restroom facilities should be provided on major rivers
throughout the County. The maximum distance between access points on major rivers should
be 10 miles.
OBJECTIVE 4 – Protect the Natural Resources
To preserve sufficient lands in essentially natural, open uses to assure the protection of the underlying and
sustaining natural resource base, including surface-water and groundwater resources, and the enhancement of
the social and economic well-being and environmental quality of the County.
Principle – The Benefits of Preserving the Natural Resources
Ecological balance and natural beauty within the County are primary determinants of the ability to
provide a pleasant and habitable environment for all forms of life and to maintain the social and
economic well-being of the County. Preservation of the most significant aspects of the natural resource
base, including primary environmental corridors, and prime agricultural lands, contribute to the
maintenance of the ecological balance, natural beauty, and economic well-being of the County.
Principle – Primary Environmental Corridors
The primary environmental corridors are a composite of the best individual elements of the natural
resource base including surface water, streams, rivers and their associated flood lands, shore lands,
woodlands, wildlife habitat, areas of groundwater discharge and recharge, organic soils, rugged terrain,
high relief topography, and significant geological formations and physiographic features. By protecting
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