Page 19 - Park and Open Space Plan
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Waukesha County Comprehensive Development Plan, Park and Open Space Plan Update (2009)
The Waukesha County Comprehensive Development Plan was updated in February 2009, including updates to
demographic and natural environment conditions. Chapter 2- Trends, Issues, Opportunities and Planning
Standards, Chapter 3- Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources, and Chapter 7- Land Use Element all have
information that affect Park and Open Space planning. These chapters are referred to in this Appendix, the
Waukesha County Park and Open Space Plan. The VISION 2050 plan contains more recent inventory data, as
described below.
VISION 2050: A Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan: Southeastern Wisconsin Regional
Planning Commission (SEWRPC), 2017
As described on the SEWRPC website – “VISION 2050 recommends a long-range vision for land use and
transportation in the seven-county Southeastern Wisconsin Region. It makes recommendations to local and
state government to shape and guide land use development and transportation improvement, including public
transit, arterial streets and highways, freight, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities, to the year 2050.” Information
regarding existing conditions and historic trends with respect to the demographic conditions and natural
environment is essential to the park and open space planning process and has been gathered as part of VISION
2050. An extensive database has been developed by SEWRPC pertaining to these and other aspects of the
Southeastern Wisconsin Region. The database is updated periodically. For example, resource mapping was
updated in 2010 and data collection has been completed for new inventories.
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