Page 41 - Park and Open Space Plan
P. 41

Activities:                                   Natural Management Overview:
                  •   Ag Land Rental                         Minooka Park is right on the border of Wisconsin’s
                  •   Archery
                  •   Bicycling                              tension zone and at the edge of savanna country.  The
                  •   Bird Watching                          presence of mature Red Oaks (estimated around 100
                  •   Cross-country Skiing                   years old) tells us these areas were likely dry-mesic
                  •   Day Camp                               forest instead of savanna.  The fen ground layer covers
                  •   Dog Exercise                           about an acre and the rest is disturbed.  There is one
                  •   Family Gatherings                      section of forest,  between the  fen and  the original
                  •   Fishing                                woods, that is part of the Core Zone to buffer from the
                  •   Geocaching
                  •   Hiking                                 northwestern subdivision and connect the fen.  This
                  •   Horseback Riding                       16.8-acre section was disturbed and treeless 70 years
                  •   Mountain Biking                        ago.
                  •   Nature-based Educational Programs
                  •   Picnicking                             The Core Zone for the park covers 189 acres of mostly
                  •   Rugby                                  dry-mesic and mesic forest, with a small amount of
                  •   Running/Jogging/Walking
                  •   Sledding                               moist woods, and a  tiny, degraded fen.   Invasive
                  •   Snowshoeing                            species that challenge the management of the Core
                  •   Swimming                               Zone include Garlic mustard, Japanese barberry, Reed
                                                             canary grass, Autumn  olive and  the Gypsy moth.
               Events:                                       While not currently found in the park, the potential for
                  •   Fat Bike Race – Wheel & Sprocket       invasives such as  Purple loosestrife and Glossy
                  •   JanBoree Run/Ski/Bike Race – Silver
                      Circle                                 buckthorn exists.   The  goal for  management is to
                  •   Salsa Cycles Demo – Wheel & Sprocket   maintain  and  improve the  ecological quality with
                  •   Sunny Day 5K – Waukesha South H.S.     selective control of the invasive species.  Monitoring
                  •   WORS Colectivo Bean Classic Bike       the area for new invasive species and new populations
                      Race                                   of existing invasives is critical to the health of the Core
                  •   Badgerland Striders Fun Run and Corn   Zones.  The quality of the vegetation in this park is
                  •   Metro Wednesday Night Racing –         good enough that management here is more feasible
                      Wheel & Sprocket                       than most areas.
                  •   AIDS Ride WIS Cycling Event – ARCW
                  •   Trail Assail 5K/10K Series
                  •   Friendship 5K Run/Walk – School
                      District of New Berlin

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