Page 43 - Park and Open Space Plan
P. 43


                                 Waukesha County Park System

                Town of Merton, Sections 3, 10, 15
                370 Acres

               Acquisition History:
                  •   1973 Purchase from Ellen Guilfoile
                      Estate – 40 acres
                  •   1973 Purchase from Metropolitan

                      Property Corp. – 70 acres
                  •   1986 Purchase from Levenhagen – 40
                  •   1991 Purchase from Norman Chester
                      – 84 acres
                  •   1998 Purchase from
                      Baumgartner/Follett – 42 acres        Site Characteristics:  (Undeveloped)
                  •   2001 Purchase from Ice Age Park &
                      Trail Foundation – 13 acres           Monches Park is located in the north central portion
                  •   2005 Purchase from Ketterer – 77      of Waukesha County, south/southwest of the County
                      acres                                 Road Q and County  Road E intersection.  This
                  •   2009 Purchase from Hartmann – 4       undeveloped park  site  is a high-quality portion of
                      acres                                 Wisconsin’s inter-lobate Kettle  Moraine.   A large
               Proposed Acquisition:                        portion  of  the site is covered with high-quality
                  •   10 acres of open lands that protrude
                      into main parkland area in order to   hardwood forest, moist mesic woods, Northern wet
                      buffer the Monches hardwood forest    forest,  lowland hardwoods,  flood plain forest  and
                                                            plantations of Red and White Pine as well as Norway
               Amenities:                                   Spruce.  Some open fields are being converted to old-
                  •   Ice Age Trail and Trailhead           field or prairie meadows.  There are shrub swamps

               Activities:                                  and wet meadow/shallow marshes located within the
                  •   Ag Land Rental                        floodplains of the Oconomowoc River. The Monches
                  •   Hiking                                Woods natural area has been identified as a (NA-1)
                  •   Geocaching                            natural area of statewide or greater significance.
                  •   Snowmobiling
                  •   Snowshoeing

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