Page 15 - 9 C's
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2 More Key C’s
I always add two further C’s to building long term resilience.
· Counting
· Courage
Many years ago, research by was carried out to discover why some
children become ‘successful’ in the broader sense, and others don’t.
The findings were very clear regarding those differences: children who
succeed have close relationships with others, particularly their
immediate family, feel valued in their communities & have a sense of
control over some aspects of their lives.
While children who are in trouble feel isolated, useless to society and
The children in trouble are missing four important necessities to
manage life’s challenges.
They are missing feeling connected to others, whether that is their
family or the community.
They are missing feeling capable to take care of themselves.
They are missing feeling valuable, that they count and that they
matter & they make a difference.
They are missing courage.
These fundamentals are needed for children to feel that they can meet
and manage the challenges of life.