P. 76

Essentials of Faith       77

                                          and  articulating  the  church's  theology  and
                                          doctrine, namely its faith.
                                             The  constant  endeavor  of  the  Armenian
                                          Church  to  preserve  intact,  in  faithfulness
                                          to  the  Holy  Tradition  of  the  early  church,
                                          the  essential  truths  and  orthodoxy  of  the
                                          Christian faith, in the midst of the upheavals
                                          of history and the encroachment of heresies,
                                          has strongly affected its theological thinking
                                          and  doctrinal  attitude.  The  faith  of  the  Ar-
                                          menian  Church  ought  to  be  seen  in  the
                                          context  of  this  historical  background.  What
                                          are  the  original  sources  of  the  faith  of  the
                                          Armenian Church?
                                             – The  Bible. It  contains God's  revelation
                                          in  history.  It  is  the  main  source  of  the
                                          Church's  faith.  Any  thought  or  statement
                                          concerning the esse of Christian faith that is
                                          not  rooted  in  the  teachings  of  the  Bible  is
                                          neither credible nor orthodox.
                                             –  Ecumenical  councils.  The  decisions  of
                                          the  first  three  ecumenical  councils,  Nicea
                                          (325),  Constantinople  (381),  and  Ephesus
                                          (431),  are  major  points  of  reference  for  the
                                          Armenian  Church's  doctrinal  position  and
                                          theological teachings.
                                             –  Local  councils.  These  are  councils  of
                                          the  Armenian  Church.  Their  findings  and
                                          decisions  display  the  Church's  attitude  in
                                          respect  to  doctrinal,  pastoral,  moral,  and
                                          canonical issues.
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