Page 321 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 321
312 History and Science of Knots
f tuck one wend
tuck one stand
^----- a shuff le or shunt
of adjacent knot parts
- swap a wend & its stand
Fig. 7. A Map of the Bends
Using this map, trambles could be planned in advance. Where gaps ex-
isted unknown bends might be deduced. For example, there must be a looking-
glass land containing the same bends (but with opposite handedness) and the
dotted lines hint at simplified connections to this other uncharted territory.
The Tramble Talisman
But a two-dimensional map of the bends could not cope with the rich com-
plexity of trambling. The Alphabend too (although twice amended) was soon