Page 448 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 448
444 History and Science of Knots
rescues, 197 rope (cont.)
coastguards, 151 nylon, 162, 182
firefighters, 151 palm fibres, 136
loggers, 151 rescues, 151
miners, 151 rings, 160
Reshetikhin, N., 250 round stones, 39
reweaving, 166 sheath and core, 182
Rhea, 400 soft-laid, 182
ribbon, 352 soft-laid, four-strand, 183
ribbon categories, 252 static kernmantle, 197
Ricci, S., 337 synthetic, 200
rigging, 138 synthetic fibre, 163
rock art, 28 uses, 163
Palaeolithic, 14 walrus hide, 136
rock climbing, 154 roping steers, 181
rope, 181 rosary, 72
anchorages, 153 rosetta stone, 87
Armana, 48 Round Brocade Knot, T'uan-ching
Berenike, 53 Chieh, 101
breaking strength, 183 Rudolph, L., 225
breaks, 194 running end, 23
cabled, 57 Ruskin, J., 374
camel hide, 54 Russia, 10
core and sheath, 182
date palm, 60 S-twisted, 188
Early Neolithic, 37 sachets, 341
equipment, 152 Sahul, 13
fibre, 181, 182 sailors' knots, 137
formula, 46 samplers, 359
grass, 136 Saqqaq knots, 117
hanging(?), 37 Sauvastika Knot, Wan-tzu Chieh, 95
hard-laid, 182, 183 Schaake's work, 280
kernmantle, 163, 182 Schaake, A. G., 263, 276, 293
ladders, 150 Scheme-method, 220
laid nylon, 195 Schiffli machine, 377
life support, 201 Schreier, 0., 239
lime-bast, 38 Science,
making, 45, 48, 136 biological, 267
manila, 183, 192, 194 of Knots?, 265
multibraid, 142 of Life, 266
natural-fibre, 183 What is a, 263
noose, 38 sea voyage, 13