Page 450 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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446                     History and Science of Knots

          slipping (cont.)                    T'ang Dynasty, 103
             Fisherman's Knot, 200            tabby (basket) weave, 347
             Granny Knot, 200                 Taber, H., 279
              Overhand Bends, 200             table
              Reef Knot, 200                      of 10-crossing knots, 275
             Ring Bend, 200                       of n-fold knottiness, 237
              Sheetbend knots, 200             Tait's Scheme-method, 220
          Spain, 353                          Tait, P. G., 205, 216, 219, 275, 315
          Spanish conquerors, 73              tambour, 320
          Spanish Inquisition, 356            tamboured laces, 352
          speculations on knots, 19           tame knot, 235
          spidermen, 176                      tangle categories, 251
          Spinning Jenny, 370                 tangle generators, 250
          Spinning Mule, 370                  tangles, 235
          splices, 138, 181                    tape-lace, 376
          splicing, 141                       taphonomy, 4
          Sprang, 347                         tassels, 385
          square knotting, 336, 338               Ecclesiastic, 389
          standing end, 23                    tatting, 348, 351, 365, 373, 375
          standing part, 23                       Queen Anne, 365
          standing part, distal, 23           temperatures, sub-zero, 32
              proximal, 23                     temples, 43
             subterminal, 23                  tensile force, 183
          standing-end, 278                   tensile forces, 181
          Staple, wool-marketing, 356          tension, 181
          statistical mechanics, 249, 250      Terra Incognita, 246
          Stone Age, 21                        textile-fragments, 32
          stone-age Europe, 33                The Last Supper, 337
          stopper knot, 49                    theory of braiding, 263
          stopper knots, 27                    Thistlethwaite, M. B., 237
          stretch-load modulus, 196            Thompson, W., 219
          string                               thongs, 3
              goat hair, 54                    Thule Inuit knots, 113
              papyrus, 49                      toile, 347
          string run, 281                      Toltecs, 353
          structural complexity, 91            tombs, 43, 44
          Sulawesi, 14                            Chinese, 104
          sumptuary laws, 347, 368                lace, 347
          Sunflower, 104                          paintings, 48
          supporters, C15th, 386               top cords, 77, 81
          swamps, 31                           topological
          synthetic fibres, 195                   invariants, 224
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