Page 154 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 154

Order Passed by Sec 7
               Hon’ble NCLT Principal Bench
               approached and requested the Financial. Creditors to help them out. Thereafter on different elates as per

               the table mentioned at Part-IV of the application, an amount of Rs. 51,750,000/- was disbursed by the
               Financial Creditors which included a sum of Rs. 25,00,000 given by one Mr. Vinay Lakra.

               4. It is also the case of the Financial Creditors that Financial Creditor Nos. 3 & 4 namely Ms. Babita
               Guliani and Ms. Juhi Guliani executed two sale deeds dated 01.01.2014 & 12.02-2014 (Annexure-1) with
               respect to first floor and ground floor respectively of their house in favour of Ms. Mahima Sharma. W/o

               Shri Atul Sharma. Out of the total consideration received from aforesaid sale transactions, an amount of
               Rs. 3,37,00,000 (Rupees Three Crore Thirty Seven Lakh) was given as loan to the Corporate Debtor by

               Financial Creditors. In terms of the said loan the respective floors were mortgaged in favour of Financial
               Creditor No. 1

               5. Financial Creditors have further claimed that thereafter on 12.05.2014 another sale deed (Annexurc-2)
               with respect to the second floor without roof rights of property No. 5, Road No. 5, Punjabi Extn_
               New Delhi-1 10026 was executed by Ms. Anita Guliani mother of Financial Creditor No. 2 in favour of

               Ms. Mahima Sharma W/o Shri Atul Sharma. Out of the total consideration received from aforesaid sale
               transactions, an amount of Rs. 2,20,50,000 (Rupees Two Crore Twenty Lakh Fifty Thousand) was given.
               as loan to the Corporate Debtor by Financial Creditors. In terms of the said loan the respective floors were

               mortgaged in favour of Financial Creditors.

               6. It is also the case of the Financial Creditors that on 17,02.2014, a loan agreement (Annexure-3) was

               executed between the Financial Creditor No. 1 along with one Mr. Vinay Lakra and the Corporate Debtor.
               Ms.  Mahima  Sharma  W/o  Shri  Atul  Sharma  has  been  a  Guarantor  of  the  said  loan.  In  pursuance  of
               aforesaid  agreement,  a  loan  of  Rs.  3,12,00,000i-  (Three  Crore  Twelve  Lakhs)  and  Rs.  25,00,000/-

               (Twenty  Five  Lakhs)  was  given  by  Financial  Creditor  No.  1  along  with  one  Mr.  Vinay  Lakra  to  the
               Corporate Debtor for a period of 90 days. In the aforesaid transaction Ms. Mahima Sharma being the

               Guarantor had also given the possession of the Ground and First Floor of the property bearing No_ 5,
               Road No. 8, Punjabi Bagh Extn. New Delhi as security to the Financial Creditors. A copy of the loan
               agreement with charge over the floors which is dated 17.02.2014 and a security cheque for a sum of Rs.

               50,00,000/- was issued. The security cheque bearing No. 000022 is on record (AnneKure-3 (Cony)). The
               cheque is drawn on. Bank of India, 54, Old Ishwa• Nagar, New Friends Colony Branch, New Delhi. On
               the presentation of the said cheque it was dishonoured on 16.08.2014. A copy of the return memo has

               been placed on record (Annexure-4(Colly)).

               7. Financial Creditor in its application have further asserted that as a timely repayment of loan amount

               Corporate Debtor issued three postdated cheques in favour of Financial Creditor for an amount of Rs.

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