Page 155 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 155

Order Passed Under Sec 7
                                                                              Hon’ble NCLT Principal Bench

               1,06,00,000/  -  bearing  cheque  No.  000019  dated  1€-).04.2014,  Rs.  1,16,00,000/-  bearing  cheque  No.

               000020 dated 16.05.2014 86 Rs. 1,15,000/- bearing cheque No. 000021 dated 16.05.2014 all drawn on
               Bank of India, New Friends Colony Branch, New Delhi.

               8. It is then asserted by the Financial Creditors that subsequently to aforesaid transactions, on 14.05.2014
               an  addendum  loan  agreement  (Annexure-7)  with  security  was  also  entered  into  between  Financial
               Creditors alongwith one Mr. Vinay Lakra and Corporate Debtor alongwith Ms. Mahima Sharma in which

               Ms. Mahima Sharma put her signature as a Guarantor. The said loan agreement (Annexure-7) was only
               executed for the purpose of extending the time period for repayment of loan of Rs. 3,37.00,000/- upto

               2001 June, 2014 without any interest. On the same very date, another loan agreement with security of
               second  floor  with  roof  rights  of  the  property  situated  at  House  No.  5,  Punjabi  Bagh  Extension,  New
               Delhi-110026, was also entered into between the same parties. In pursuance of aforesaid loan agreement

               dated 14.05.2014, an amount of Rs. 1,80,50,000/- and Rs. 40,00,000/- was paid by Financial Creditor
               along with Mr. Vinay Lakra to the Corporate Debtor for a period of 55 days from the date of disbursal of
               loan i.e. 16th May, 2014. Ms. Mahima Sharma being the guarantor in the aforesaid loan agreement had

               given the possession of the second floor of her property bearing No. 5, Road No. 8, Punjabi Bagh Extra.
               New Delhi - 110026 as security to the Creditor company. A copy of the loan agreement has been placed
               on record (Annexure-8).

               9.  In  discharge  of  aforesaid  loan  liability  Corporate  Debtor  issued  three  postdated  cheques  dated
               10.07.2014 in favour of Financial Creditors bearing cheque No. 000077 for an amount of Rs. 40,00,000/-,

               cheque No, 000076 for Rs. 60,00,000/- & Cheque No 000078 for Rs. 1,20,50,000/- all drawn on Bank of
               India, New Friends Colony Branch, New Delhi. Subsequently on 09.10.2014 at the request of Corporate

               Debtor all the aforesaid six cheques were replaced with new dates of 30.10.2014. Thereafter again on
               29.01.2015 facing similar situation all the aforesaid six cheques were again replaced with cheques dated
               31.03.2015.  On  09.06.2015  Financial  Creditors  presented  five  cheques  bearing  No.  000118,  000119,

               000120, 000121 & 0001222 and thereafter on 18.06.2015 remaining single cheque bearing No. 000123
               for encashment but same were returned back with the endorsement of "exceeds arrangement" (Annexure-
               12). Thereafter  Financial Creditors  served a  legal  demand  notice (Annexure-13)  under  Section  138  of

               Negotiable Instrument Act upon the Corporate Debtor and proceedings (Annexure-14) in that regard are
               pending adjudication before the Court of Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Delhi.

               10. The Financial Creditors have further claimed that the default has occurred when the cheques were
               dishonoured on 10.06.2015 for the reason stated in the return memo 'exceeds arrangements'. The total

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