Page 160 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 160

Order Passed by Sec 7
               Hon’ble NCLT Principal Bench
               per the master data available on the website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs. It has its registered office

               also at Delhi.

               4. The financial creditor has proposed the name of Mr. Rajesh Samson as an Insolvency Professional. A

               certificate of registration dated 30.06.2017 issued by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has
               been placed on record (Annexure-B) attached with the application. He  has registration No. IBBI/IPA-
               001/IP- P00240/2017-18/10469. He has also made declaration and sent. a written communication dated

               04.08.2017.  According  to  the  declaration  made,  Mr.  Rajesh  Samson  has  no  disciplinary  proceedings
               pending against him nor he is a related party to 'Financial Debtor' namely Amrapali Infrastructure Private

               Limited nor he is an employee of the Amrapali Infrastructure Private Limited.

               5. The details of the 'financial debt' may now he set out, There was a facility agreement dated 16.04.2013

               (Exhibit-3)  executed  between  the  'financial  debtor'  and  consortium  banks  which  include  the  financial
               creditor-Bank  of  Baroda  and  Union  Bank  of  India.  It  is  pertinent  to  mention  that  aforesaid  facility
               agreement  was  amended  by  an  amendatory  facility  agreement  dated  18.06.2013.  In  pursuance  of  the

               aforesaid facility agreement the consortium banks along with the financial creditor sanctioned a term loan
               to the corporate debtor. Under the term loan agreement, the 'financial creditor' sanctioned to the 'corporate
               debtor' a term loan. of Rs. 53,75,00,000 (Rupees Fifty Three Crores and Seventy Five Lakhs). However,

               the  financial  creditor  has  contributed  Rs.  53,09,00,000  (Rupees  Fifty  Three  Crores  Nine  Lakhs).  The
               details of the same have been annexed (Exhibit-3 86 4). The principal amount in default under the term
               loan facility as on 30.04.2017 is claimed to be Rs. 44,59,00,000 (Rupees Forty Four Crore Fifty Nine

               Lakhs). In addition, the default amount towards the overdue interest and penal interest aggregates to Rs.
               7,18,50,626 (Rupees Seven Crore Eighteen Lakhs Fifty Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Six), The

               corporate debtor defaulted the term loan in 31th July, 2016. Further details of the defaulted amount and
               the period of default has been disclosed (Exhibit-7).

               6.  There  was  also  a  working  capital  agreement  dated  16.04.2013  (Exhibit-5)  executed  between  the
               financial debtor and consortium banks which include the financial creditor-Bank of Baroda and Union
               Bank of India. In pursuance of the aforesaid agreement the consortium banks along with the financial

               creditor sanctioned certain working capital facility to the 'corporate debtor'. Under the working capital
               agreement,  the  'financial  creditor'  sanctioned  to  the  'corporate  debtor'  cash  credit  facility  of  Rs.
               17,50,00,000/-  (Rupees  Seventeen  Crores  Fifty  Lakhs)  as  well  as  letter  of  credit  facility  of  Rs.

               25,00,00,000  (Rupees  Twenty  Five  Crores).  However,  under  the  head  of  letter  of  credit  facility  the
               financial creditor has contributed Rs. 24,86,31,354 (Rupees Twenty Four Crores Eighty Six Lakhs Thirty
               One  Thousand  Three  Hundred  and  Fifty  Four  Rupees),  The  details  of  the  same  have  been  annexed

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