Page 422 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 422

Order Passed by Sec 7
               Hon’ble NCLT Bengaluru Bench
                                     IN THE NATIONAL COMPANY LAW TRIBUNAL
                                                   BENGALURU BENCH

                                              C.P. (I.B.) No. 04/7/NCLT/BB/2017

                                                   Decided On: 21.07.2017

                                           Applicant: Vedha Marketing Corporation
                                          Respondent: G.K. Shelters Private Limited

               Hon'ble Sh. Ratakonda Murali, Member (J)
               Dr. Ashok Kumar Mishra, Member(T)

               For Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff: P. Suresh, Learned Advocates

               For Respondents/Defendant: C.V. Nagesh Associates, Learned Advocates


               Hon'ble Sh. Ratakonda Murali, Member (J); Dr. Ashok Kumar Mishra, Member (T)

               Counsel for petitioner is present. counsel for respondents is also present. Parties to the petition are present

               including their counsel.

               They  filed  joint  memo  stating  that  the  matter  is  settled  and  that  the  matter  may  be  closed  recording

               The memo is recorded. The matter is settled between the parties outside the Tribunal.

               The petition is therefore, dismissed as settled out of Tribunal.

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