Page 426 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 426

Order Passed under Sec 7
               By Hon’ble NCLT Chandigarh Bench
               7.  We  have  heard  learned  counsel  for  the  applicant-petitioner  and  the  learned  senior  counsel  for  the

               'Corporate Debtor' and perused the record with their able assistance.

               8. The crucial issue before the Adjudicating Authority would be to ascertain the existence of default from

               the records of an information utility or on the basis of other evidence furnished by the financial creditor as
               per subsection (3) of Section 7 of the Code The other contentions raised by the learned counsel for the
               parties would be discussed in the later part of this order

               9. As per sub-section (3) of Section 7 of the 'Code', the 'financial creditor' has to furnish along with the

                              (a)  record  of  the  default  recorded  with  the  information  utility  or  such  other  record  or
                              evidence of default as may be specified;

                              (b)  the  name  of  the  resolution  professional  proposed  to  act  as  an  interim  resolution
                              professional and

                              (c) any other information as may be specified by the Board.

               The  information  utility  has  not  so  far  been  formed.  Therefore.  the  existence  of  default  has  to  be
               ascertained from the other record of evidence of default, which is attached with the instant petition.

               10. The term 'specified' Js defined in Section 3 (32) of the Code as meaning specified by regulations made
               by the Board under this Code and the term 'specify shall be construed accordingly. Under regulation 8 (2)

               of the Regulations, the existence of debt due to the financial creditor may be proved on the basis of

                              (a) the records available with the information utility, if any

                              (b) other relevant documents, including-

               (i) a financial contract supported by financial statements as evidence of the debt;

               (ii) a record evidencing that the amounts committed by the financial creditor to the corporate debtor under
               the facility has been drawn by the corporate debtor;

               (iii) financial statements showing that the debt has not been repaid, or

               (iv) an order of a court or tribunal that has adjudicated upon the non-payment of a debt, if any.

               11. In part IV of the application in Form 1 against the relevant columns, the applicant-financial creditor
               has  mentioned  the  date  of  sanction  of  the  term  loan  of  Rs.  28.00  crores  as  per  sanction  letter  !dated

               09.01.2010 and further amount of Rs. 3.40 crores sanctioned on 29 11.2012 The total amount in default is

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