Page 13 - MDHN 2019 Executive Summary_June
P. 13
Amidst ski industry business, MDHN is offered during a pre-peak period so traffic is minimal
IKON pass has potential to shift the accepted high-low traffic periods
MDHN is becoming more and more of a holiday destination in & of itself
Welcome to Winter as opening to MDHN was huge success, demonstrating potential
benefit & draw for starting event series earlier in December
main traffic period for SVAM is Christmas to New Years, creating need for lots of
activation during late December
Means to increasing revenue
enhanced marketing efforts
option of creating commission for call-center
MDHN stay & play resort packages
trial of signature merchandising
addition of new events, especially those with multi-faceted drivers
door, food, bar, merchandise, etc.
Ways to decrease costs
negotiate down cost of performing groups, RJO & Toccata
negotiate cost of stage as operation revenue is collected by providers through entire event
series without additional cost of repeated set/strike per event
capitalize costs
purchase portion of stage for use through-out year at varying venues
purchase decorations as opposed to continually rent
additional retail avenue
offer new events to create continual venue use, spreading and absorbing operating costs
In short, the head elves plan with unceasing deliberation of how to not only make MDHN luminary in
and of itself, but a beacon of notoriety within the indispensable operations of Squaw Valley | Alpine
Meadows as well as the greater workings of Alterra Mountain Co. The final product design of Merry
Days & Holly Nights 2019 shall heed the conclusions and directives of our mountain leadership based
on the presentation of this Executive Summary.
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