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also left behind a number of children   statement which the local community   the Sejarah Melayu was written around   continued to teach the people how to
 from his first wife, who had also become   accepted as the truth and that in the end,   1612. However, as many scholars stated,   pronounce the shahadah, “There is no
 Moors and one of her sons inherited   Islam had developed because the people   the writing of both texts may have taken   god but Allah, and Muhammad is His
 the kingdom and ruled under the name   assumed the story was true.  much longer and may even have started   Messenger”. After some time, the ship
 Modafarxa (Mudzaffar Shah) (Cortesão,   The third sources that explain the   in the early period of the existence of   left Samudra, while the Indian holy man
 1994: 242). Through Tomé Pirés we   process of Islamization in the archipelago   these kingdom. Thus, 1511 and 1612   stayed behind to establish Islam more
 also learn that Islam had already been   are traditional historiographic works in   may be the years when the texts were   firmly there. 7
 present in Cirebon at least since 1470-  completed. It is probably historically   A similar story can be found in the
 1475. After having visited Cirebon in   the form of chronicles, serat, lontara, and   justified to presume that both texts, as   Sejarah Melayu. In the text it is told that
 1513, he noted that Cirebon was a harbor   many others. These works had found   will also be discussed below, represent   King Muhammad Shah— Malacca’s
 their ways to almost all areas of the
 where around 1,000 families lived, and   the intellectual and religious discourse   second ruler—had a dream that he met
 where the rulers were also Muslims. 6  archipelago. The following will discuss   in the early period of Islam in the Malay-
 some of these traditional historiographic   Indonesian archipelago.   the Prophet Muhammad who taught
 In addition to the accounts of foreign   works that in the opinion of the present   him to pronounce the shahadat, gave
 visitors, there are also oral traditions.   authors are important in relation to the   The Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai tells that   him the new name of Muhammad, and
 Had they been examined in more   Islamization of the archipelago.  Malik al-Saleh whose former name was   informed him that the next day a ship
 detail, these sources would also have   Merah Silu, was the first Muslim ruler   would arrive from Arabia carrying a
 earned an important place in the story   Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai and   who met the Prophet Muhammad in his   scholar whom he must obey. When he
 of the introduction of Islam. In many   Sejarah Melayu   dream in which he obtained the magical   had awakened, the king found that he
 parts of Indonesia, Islam grew rapidly   We will start our discussion with two   knowledge of Islam which the Prophet   had been mysteriously circumcised,
 immediately after someone had had a   texts from the Malay world. They are   had spat into his mouth. In his dream, the   and when he repeatedly uttered the
 dream in which he had met the prophet.   the oldest literary works that relate the   Prophet guided him in how to pronounce   shahadah, the members of the royal
 The person told his neighbors of his   history of the kingdom of Samudra Pasai   the confession of the creed (shahadah).   palace (who certainly did not know
 dream and the story spread from one   th  After having awakened, the new Sultan   Arabic) were apparently very confused
 person to the next and eventually   in the 14  century and of that of Malacca   found that he could to read the Qur’an   because they thought the king had gone
 everybody believed that the dream   in the 15  century. They are the Hikayat   although he had never been taught how   mad. Then the boat indeed arrived and
 Raja-Raja Pasai (The Pasai Chronicles)
 had been true and that the prophet   to do this. Also he had been mysteriously   landed Sayid Abdul Aziz where he led a
 apparently had halted where they lived.   for Samudra Pasai and Sejarah Melayu   circumcised. The next day, a ship arrived   prayer on the beach. The people were
 In this case, the question is not whether   (Malay Annals) for the Malacca kingdom.   from Mecca carrying Sheikh Ismail.   astonished and started to ask about
 the dream was true or false, but that the   The two texts seem to have been written   When he heard that Malik al-Saleh had   7.  Russel Jones, “Ten Conversion Myths from
 story had turned into an oral collective   much later than the time when the   pronounced the shahadah, the Sheikh   Indonesia”, in Nehemia Levtzion (ed.) Conversion
 kingdoms were still in power. The Hikayat
                                                 to Islam, (New York: Holmes & Meier.), pp. 133-
 6.  Projokusumo, Taufik Abdullah and Hasan M.   installed him as Muslim ruler and initiated   135; M.C. Ricklefs, A History of Modern Indonesia
 Ambary, Sejarah Umat Islam Indonesia (Jakarta:   Raja-Raja Pasai was written before 1511   him by clothing him in the royal mantle   since c.1300, Second Edition (Stanford, California:
 PP MUI, 1991), p. 78.  when Malacca fell to the Portuguese and   of the kingdom of Mecca. Ismail then   Stanford University Press, 1993), pp. 8-9.

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