P. 73

          The Major Babad          of Islam just like in the Malay world.   Also in the Babad Tanah Jawi  we find                Raden Santri married his elder daughter   beach. Brawijaya and his troops looked
          Surakarta, canto 17 verse   However, unlike Malay texts such as the   how the Kingdom of Cempa converted to            while Raden Burereh betrothed his      for Sunan Giri’s grave and when they
          1–7 (Leiden University   Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai and the Sejarah   Islam. One day, a person from overseas              younger daughter.                      found it they ordered the two crippled
          Library Cod.Or.1978).    Melayu, which much more accepted        named Makdum Ibrahim Asmara visited                   The story tells that King Brawijaya    men who guarded the tomb to dig it
          Source: J.J. Ras,        Islam as an integral part of the initial   the king of Cempa. He invited the king             wanted to destroy Sunan Giri, because   up. They refused, but when they were
          ‘Javanese Traditions     formulation of Malay culture, Javanese   to convert to Islam and the king simply              he thought that Giri’s authority and power   forced to do so, they started digging.
          on the Coming of Islam   literary texts put much more emphasis   accepted his invitation. After the king               posed a threat to Majapahit. Gajah     When they reached Sunan Giri’s
          in Indonesia’, in J.J.   on a continuation with pre-Islamic      converted to Islam, his aides and his                 Mada was dispatched with thousands     remains, a swarm of hornets suddenly
          Ras, The Shadow of the   culture. This is especially the case in the   people followed in his footsteps. Makdum        of soldiers to wipe out Giri and when   emerged that attacked Brawijaya and
          Ivory Tree. Language,    accounts of the period of the transition   Ibrahim Asmara married the king’s                  they arrived they found that the Sunan   his troops so that many of them died.
          literature and history   to the Islamic era. With the emphasis   youngest daughter and after the king had              was busy writing. When he saw that     Brawijaya survived and with the remains
          in Nusantara. Leiden:    on pre-Islamic culture, the change from   died, his son succeeded him.                        his enemies had arrived to destroy his   of his troops he went back to Majapahit.
          Vakgroep Talen en        royal successions from Hindu-Buddhist   Makdum Ibrahim had two sons, Raden                    palace, he put aside his pen  and he   Surprisingly, immediately after the event
          Culturen van Zuidoost    to Islam became part of the discussion.  Rahmat, the oldest, and Raden Santri, the            prayed to Allah for help. The Sunan’s   the guards who were initially unable
          Azië en Oceanië,                                                 youngest. Both wanted to go to Java to                pen suddenly turned into a dagger      to walk were healed. The incident
          Rijksuniversiteit Leiden   An important Javanese text  is the Babad   meet their uncle, the King of Majapahit.         that, moving on its own, went berserk,   was reported to the Sunan Perapen
          pp. 214-142, p. 296.     Tanah Jawi (History of the Land of Java).                                                                                            who returned to Giri which became
                                   Classified as a “historical” Javanese   The king also dispatched another prince,              stabbing Majapahit’s soldiers and many   prosperous as it had been before.
                                   text, the Babad Tanah Jawi justifies the   Raden Burereh, to Java. The three of               of them died. The soldiers who were    After Giri had defeated him yet again,
                                   shift from Hindu-Buddhist Majapahit to   them arrived in Majapahit where the king             still alive returned to Majapahit. When   King Brawijaya set his eyes on attacking
                                   Demak and later, by the mid-16  century,   gladly welcomed them and they stayed               the commotion was over, the dagger     Bintara as he had been told that the
                                   to Mataram. The Babad Tanah Jawi        in Majapahit for one year. Raden Rahmat               returned to the Sunan’s hand stained   original jungle there had been developed
                                   emphasizes that from pre-Islamic times   married the daughter of Tumenggung                   with blood. The Sunan prayed that Allah   into a city under the leadership of
                                   onwards, all the kingdoms in Java had   Wilatikta,  after which he settled in Ampel           would forgive whatever he might have   Raden Fatah, who was no other than
                                   been ruled by one royal lineage right   Denta, while Raden Santri and Raden                   done wrong and he told his followers that   Brawijaya’s own son from his marriage
                                   up to the period of the Islamic Mataram   Burereh became Arya Teja’s sons-in-law;             from that moment on the dagger would   with a Chinese Princess. Knowing that
                                   Kingdom. Thus, the establishment of the   13.  H.R. Sumarsono (Translator) Babad Tanah        be called Kalam Munyeng.               Bintara was becoming grander and
                                   Islamic Javanese kingdoms stayed within   Jawi, Yogyakarta: Narasi, first edition, 2007.      When Sunan Giri died, his grandson,    more developed, King Brawijaya feared
                                   the sequential development of Javanese   14.  The King of Majapahit referred to in the text   Sunan Perapen was crowned as Sunan.    that it might decide to attack Majapahit.
                                                                           may be his aunt’s husband who in Babad Bondhan
                                   culture. It was because of this that the   is named Dwarawati, or who the Banjar Chronicle    When it was announced that Sunan       Therefore, Brawijaya devised a plan to
                                   kings of Mataram acquired their magical-  calls the Princess of Cempa.                        Giri had passed away, King Brawijaya   destroy it. Moreover, the Bintara’s Ruler
                                   religious legitimacy to rule in the new,   15.  Tumenggung Wilatikta was the regent of        attacked Giri but Sunan Perapen was    had failed to visit him already for three
                                                                           Tuban, the father of Raden Said who was later
                                   Islamic-inspired Javanese empire.       known as Sunan Kalijaga.                              unable to face him and he fled to the   years. Adipati Terung, Raden Bintara’s

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