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P. 8
Unit 1 The Birth and Death of the Sun

Comprehension Note (Portfolio)

1. 주제 영역 : Astronomy 2. 주제 (Topic) : The birth and death of the sun

3. 요지 (Main Idea)

Born from gas and dust, the sun will become a white dwarf after using up its all fuel.

4. 세부 내용 및 사건 (Supporting Details)
① 1st - The birth : hot, compressed gas and dust turned into a huge ball of fire
② 2nd - Now : use hydrogen as its fuel and keep its size

③ - Use up most of its hydrogen : start to grow and use its fuel faster

④ - Last : no fire , no light, just a cool and small ball called a white dwarf

5. 요약 (Summary)

As gas and dust became pressed and hotter and turned into a huge ball of fire, the
sun was born. The sun uses hydrogen as its fuel, maintaining its size. However, when
it uses up most of its fuel, it will start to grow and use its hydrogen faster, destroying
nearby planets. When it uses up all hydrogen, the sun will become a cool and small
ball called a white dwarf without any fire and light.

6. 어휘 정리 (Vocabulary) ⑥
① ⑦
② ⑧
③ ⑨
④ ⑩

7. 구문 학습 (Structure)

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