Page 173 - NUMINO TG_6A
P. 173
Activity 1 Equivalent Ratios

jOb ective Learn about equivalent ratios.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 1 Equivalent Ratios

Explain to students that equivalent ratios show Finding an equivalent ratio follows the same steps as finding an equivalent fraction.

the same comparison, for example 1 and 2 . Learn about equivalent ratios. Equivalent ratios are ratios whose denominator
2 4 and numerator have been multiplied or divided by the same number.

Equivalent ratios are ratios that show the same comparison.

To find equivalent rations, follow one of the 1 . Find three equivalent ratios using different methods.

two methods:

Method 1: Divide numerator and Method 1 a. 36 36 2 18
Divide the numerator and 48 48 2 24
denominator by the same denominator by a common factor. = =

number. = 36 3 = 12
48 3 16
40 40 2 20
Correct: 10 2 5 72 = 72 2 = 36 = 36 6 = 6
24 2 12 48 6 8

10 2 = 40 4 = 10
24 4 72 4 18
Incorrect: 5
6 40 8 5
= 72 8 = 9

Method 2: Multiply numerator and 20 10 5 18 12 6
36 , 18 , 9 24 , 16 , 8

denominator by the same


Correct: 6 5 30 Method 2 b. 3 = 3 2 = 6
7 5 35 Multiply the numerator and 5 5 2 10
denominator by the same number.
Incorrect: 6 5 30 = 3 3= 9
7 3 21 5 3 15

6 = 6 2 = 12 = 3 4 = 12
7 7 2 14 5 4 20

= 6 3 = 18
7 3 21

1. Have students find three equivalent ratios for = 6 4 = 24
each fraction. Ask them which method they 7 4 28
12 18 24 6 9 12
14 , 21 , 28 10 , 15 , 20


2. Build Understanding

Setting up Equivalent Ratios
Have students answer the following question about ratios.

Example: The ratio of boys to girls is 3:5 and there are 15 girls in a classroom. How many boys are there?

Step 1: Set up an equivalent ratio. Boys 3
Girls 5

Step 2: Find the factor that the ratio of girls was multiplied by. 5 15, 3

Step 3: Multiply the factor determined in step 2 by the ratio of boys. 3 3 9

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