Page 15 - NUMINO TG_2A
P. 15
Overview of Units

Unit Objective and Activities Math Vocabulary ESL Vocabulary Math Game Material

11 12 Learn about different solid figures Triangular prism watermelon Find the Correct Soft Geometric
and their properties. solid figure can Solid Figure Solids
sphere orange Game Bag
Finding the Missing Blocks pyramid umbrella Magformers
Activity 1: Solid Figures cube lb
Activity 2: Parts of Solid Figures cylinder globe
Activity 3: Making Solid Figures rectangular prism
flat surface
curved surface

Smart Tools


Solid Figures Sort Solid Figures (1), (2) Compare Solid Figures and Plane Shapes Making Solid Figures Cutting a Cake Find the Pattern

Unit Objective and Activities Math Vocabulary ESL Vocabulary Math Game Material
Bingo Game
Learn how to read and write time. A.M. wake up Time Cards [A6]
P.M. sleep Model Clock
Ann’ day hour eat
Activity 1: Time to the Half-Hour half hour study
Activity 2: Every Five Minutes minute class
Activity 3: Before and After the Hour quarter hour watch
Activity 4: What Time Is It?

Smart Tools


Read the Time Half-Hour 5 Minutes Minutes Before Writing the Time in Different Ways The Closest Time
Write the Time in Various Ways

Unit Objective and Activties Math Vocabulary ESL Vocabulary Math Game Material

Learn how to calculate time elapsed time draw Minute Game Stopwatch
intervals. jump rope Model Clock
13 Activity 1: Measuring 1 Minute
Activity 2: How Long Does It Take?
Activity 3: Word Problems

Smart Tools


Explore 1 Minute Draw the Minute Hand Find the Time Word Problems Find the Starting Time Find the Rule (1), (2)
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20