Page 10 - NUMINO TG_2A
P. 10
Quick and easy demonstration! 14
Do students have difficulties in understanding how to play the math games?
NUMINO uses multimedia to clearly demonstrate how to play math games.145

Excite your students with creative1 45
visual and audio learning!7

Having problems getting the major concepts across to your students?
Songs, animated sounds, and math stories help enhance students’


Engage your students!

Wish you could find an easier way to explain how to solve difficult
NUMINO’s visual aid helps you to engage your students with a simple
visual process and assists you to explain and demonstrate how to
solve difficult problems step-by-step.

Smart Icons

Flash Image PDF Game Symphony Video

Press Flash to show Press Image to Press PDF to show Press Game to play Press Symphony to Press Video to play
pages from the
unit titles, unit show charts, textbook, online games that interact with videos that
workbook, and
objectives, ESL graphs, and review tests. are related to the students. introduce each unit.

vocabulary, Math pictures. games in the

vocabulary, and textbook for more

demonstration of fun and interactive

games in the learning.

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