Page 221 - NUMINO TG_2A
P. 221
14Unit Eqyptian Calendar

jOb ective Make a calendar.

1. Textbook Instructions Unit

Stimulate students’ interest about the 14 Egyptian Calendar
calendar with a discussion like the following.
What is happening in the picture? Egyptians divided 1 year into 3 seasons.
A woman is planting seeds.
There has been a flood. Flooding
A man is harvesting crops. Season
What do you think the Egyptians did in
each season? Planting Harvesting
They planted seeds in the planting season. Season Season
They prepared or seeked refuge in the
flooding season. 3 Seasons of Egypt
They harvested crops in the harvesting
season. Chat
Why did the Egyptians divide the year into
3 seasons? There are 3 major events every The 12 Zodiac signs show the activities of different people.
year. Discuss what you can see in the picture.
Why is it good to divide the year in relation
to major events? It makes it easier for people Sample Answer
to remember major events and they can plan
ahead. The outer pictures are about
Constellations that have
The outer circle of the 12 Zodiac signs show The Ram, Bull, Twins, Crab, Lion,
pictures of each constellation sign, while the Virgin, Scales, Scorpion, Archer
inner circle has pictures of people farming in Centaur, Sea-Goat, Water Bearer,
each season. Have students talk about each and Fish.
picture. The middle pictures show about the
process of farming from seeding to


2. Build Understanding

Constellation signs: Constellation Date Constellation Date
Capricorn 12.25 1.19 Cancer 6.22 7.22
Aquarius 1.20 2.18 Leo 7.23 8.22
Pisces 2.19 3.20 Virgo 8.23 9.23
Aries 3.21 4.19 Libra 9.24 10.22
Taurus 4.20 5. 20 Scorpio 10.23 11.22
Gemini 5.21 6.21 11.23 12.24

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