Page 65 - Writing Pie_3
P. 65

1 A news story begins with a strong lead. Read the lead in the sample news

story. Then answer the questions below.

a. Who is the story about? A man ( John Simpson)

b. What happened in the story?

c. When did it happen?

d. Where did it happen?

2 Create a strong lead using the information given.

a. Who? What? Where? When?
a man stole a car in Seoul yesterday


b. Who? What? Where? When?
a student in California took a job to help his family


3 A good headline is just a shorter version of the lead. Choose the best

headline for each of the following lead sentences.

a. A student in Seattle won an award on Friday morning.
A Student from Seattle
Student Wins Award

b. A famous chef opened a new restaurant in London this weekend.
Famous Chef Opens New Restaurant
Famous Chef in London this Weekend

Unit 1. EXPOSITORY ✷ 63
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