Page 12 - Elfin Fly_1
P. 12
Word Review

A Listen to the sentence and fill in the blank. 05

1. Tadpoles� �a�i�r�i�n��w��a��te��r�l�i�k�e� f�i�s��h�d��o�.

2. My grandfather� c��o�w�s��o�n��a��fa�r�m��.

3. The� o��f�a��p�l�a�n�t��g�r�o�w��u��n�d�e�r��t�h�e��g�r�o�u�n��d�.

4. I� a��g��la��s�s�.�A��n�d��i�t �b�r�o�k��e�.

5. Plants make energy with .

6. Cold weather will stop the plant’s .

B Look at the sample and circle the right one.

Plants have flowers. (Noun)
Plants can flower. (Verb)

1. The water is very cold. (Noun / Verb)

My mom waters the plants every day. (Noun / Verb)

2. My uncle seeds the lawn every year. (Noun / Verb)
The seeds grew into a huge tree. (Noun / Verb)

3. Plants need water and sunlight. (Noun / Verb)
Many people plant trees on April 5th. (Noun / Verb)

unit 1 Plants
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