Page 7 - 수영만28_4A4_4B11_5C5_5D10_6E4
P. 7
Unit 1 Smoking

Comprehension Note (Portfolio)

1. 글의 종류 : 논설문(주장) 2. 주제 (Topic) : Smoking

3. 요지 (Main Idea)

We should put images on cigarette packs to reduce smoking.

4. 세부 근거 사항 (Further Details)

① Cigarettes cause serious illnesses and deaths

② Korea has many smokers.

③ We can reduce smoking by putting warning pictures on cigarette packs.

④ Britain, Peru, and Malaysia decreased the number of smokers by using this
5. 요약 (Summary)

Cigarettes cause serious illnesses and deaths. However, Korea has many
smokers. So, we can reduce smoking by putting warning pictures on
cigarette packs. Britain, Peru, and Malaysia decreased the number of
smokers by using this way.

6. 어휘 정리 (Vocabulary) ⑥
① ⑦
② ⑧
③ ⑨
④ ⑩

7. 구문 학습 (Structure)

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