Page 65 - Writing Pie_2
P. 65

ADDRESS: 1 C ircle the address in the correct format.
Street Name
Citiy, State Zip code Use the box at left help you.

(Begin with a capital letter a. Killo, MD b. 40005
156A Hido Street Killo MD
& use a comma between 40005 156A Hido Street
the city and the state)
c. 156A Hido Street d. 156A Hido Street
Example: Killo, MD 40005 Killo MD 40005
13 Fine Street
Toledo, OH 30303

DATE: 2 W rite the dates in the correct format. Use the
Month Day, Year
box at left help you.
(Capitalize the month &
use a comma between the a. 3 june 2003
day and the year) b. october 1981 14
c. 1962 7 december
May 21, 1997

3 A greeting begins with a capital letter and ends with a comma. Circle the

correct greeting.

a. Dear Marie b. dear Marie, c. Dear Marie, d. dear marie,

4 A closing begins with a capital letter and ends with a comma.Then

a name follows in the next line. Circle the correct closing and signature.

a. your Friend b. Your friend, c. your friend, d. Your friend
Jill Jill Jill Jill

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