Page 242 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 242
16Finding Numbers Unit

Objective: Learn how to complete multiplication and division sentences. To solve the riddle, have the students figure out

“We’re so sorry! We ruined your riddle,” said Jessica. appropriate numbers in the blanks after teacher
“That’s all right. I’ve already figured it out. Why don’t you try solving it,
too?” write multiplication sentence on the board.
“But it’s too difficult!” said Kate as she shook her head.
“Ah, that’s because you haven’t seen this part of the riddle,” said the Lazy Refer to .
Mathematician as he pulled both ends of the paper.

1 78


71 2
+5 3 4 0

6 ,0 5 2

14 2 3

0 57

The paper was unfolded and more numbers appeared between the
boxes. “We might be able to solve it,” Ann said.

Have students discuss how this type of problem might be solved before moving on to the next page.

16. Finding Numbers 133

178 Step 3. Find D.
D4 178 D0 5,340, so the product of 8 D must have a 4 in the ones
place. D can be 3 or 8 (3 8 24, 8 8 64). If D is 8, the thousands
712 place will be larger than 5, so D 3.
6,0 5 2 Step 4. Solve to find the product and check your answer.
178 34 6,052, it checks.

4A Unit 16 225
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