Page 241 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 241
16Unit Finding Numbers

jOb ective Complete multiplication problems.

1. Textbook Instructions UNIT

In this unit, students will solve application 16 Finding Numbers
problems with multiplication and division.
Ricky and Jessica were playing catch, and the ball crashed through
First, have the students read the story in the the window of the Lazy Mathematician’s room. Ricky and Jessica ran
following two pages. Then, have them inside. A table had fallen over, and pieces of paper were scattered all
complete the activity. over the floor.
What accident did the students cause? Jessica picked up a piece of paper to take a closer look.
They accidentally knocked over Lazy “What’s this?” she said.
Mathematician’s riddle. Ricky found 8 number cards nearby, with numbers from 0 to 7.
What do they need to do to fix it? They must
figure out the riddle and place the number 8
cards in their original location. \
What operation must they use to figure out
the riddle? Multiplication. ,
Solve the riddle.
12 3
Guide the students in solving the riddle. 4 7

0 56

“This is probably a multiplication riddle”.
Jessica and Ricky showed the riddle to Thomas, Ann, Kate, and Ryan,
who had heard the noise and come inside.
“Oh my dear adventurers, what are you doing here?” said the Lazy
Mathematician as he came inside.


2. Build Understanding

Find Numbers Step 1. Find C.
DC The product of 8 C must have a 2 in its ones place. C can be 4 or 7.
712 8 4 32, 8 9 72
If C 9, the hundreds place will be greater than 9, so C 4.
, Step 2. Find B and A.

224 NUMINO Teacher s Guide In step 1, 8 4 32 so the 3 regroups to the tens place (B).
AB8 4 712 so the product of B 4 plus 3 must be 11. So, the
product of B 4 must have an 8 in the ones place. B 7, A 1.
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