Page 236 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 236
15Divide 3-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers Unit

063-B4-1 063-B4-2

2-Digit Divisors and 1-Digit Quotients 19≤4¯7

1. Write the quotient and the remainder. 2. Write the correct numbers in the blanks.

Example a. b. Example

quotient 13≤9¯8 a.
34≤31¯ 0
25≤ 1 6¯ 8 14≤ 7 ¯8
remainder 150 (Check) 7 0 (Check)
168 14 78
Quotient: Quotient: Quotient: b. c.
Remainder: Remainder: Remainder: 277
c. d. e. 22≤ 8 ¯4 (Check) 16≤ 9 9¯ (Check) 259
66 22 96
24≤5¯3 29≤6¯5 37≤7¯8

84 16

d. e.

Quotient: Quotient: Quotient: 37≤ 1 ¯2 3 (Check) 45≤ 2 ¯7 7 (Check)
Remainder: Remainder: Remainder: 111 37 2 70 45

f. g. h. 123
33≤2¯73 52≤4¯09 71≤6¯84

f. g.

Quotient: Quotient: Quotient: 63≤ 5 4¯ 6 (Check) 28≤ 2 ¯5 9 (Check)
Remainder: Remainder: Remainder: 504 63 2 52 28


Objective Divide when the divisor is a Objective Divide when the divisor is a
2-digit number. 2- digit number.

Textbook Reference Activity 2 Textbook Reference Activity 2

063-B5-1 063-B5-2

2-Digit Divisors and 2-Digit Quotients 2. Solve each division problem. Then, check the answer by using
1. Circle the multiplication sentences that are needed to find the quotient. multiplication and addition.

Example Example
23≤49¯ 2 23 1 23 [ ] a. 16 3 48 [ ] a.
23 2 46 [ ] 16≤7¯38 16 4 64 [ ] 14≤2¯62
23 3 69 [ ] 16 5 80 [ ]
23 4 92 [ ] 16 6 96 [ ]

b. c. (Check) (Check)
31 1 31 [ ] 12≤8¯34 12 6 72 [ ] b. c.
12 7 84 [ ] 22≤2¯ 8 0 26≤3¯33
12 8 96 [ ]
31 2 62 [ ] 12 9 108 [ ]

31 3 93 [ ]

31 4 124 [ ]

d. e. (Check) (Check)
24≤85¯ 6
24 3 72 [ ] 17 5 85 [ ] d. e.
17 6 102 [ ] 52≤6¯83 15≤3¯71
17 7 119 [ ]
24 4 96 [ ] 17≤9¯73 17 8 136 [ ]

24 5 120 [ ]

24 6 144 [ ]

(Check) (Check)

Objective Divide when the divisor is a Objective Divide when the divisor is a
2-digit number. 2-digit number.

Textbook Reference Activity 2 Textbook Reference Activity 2

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