Page 78 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 78
04Add and Subtract Numbers Unit

052-B4-1 c. A A 052-B4-2
Addition Puzzles(1) 88 A
1. Write the correct numbers in the blanks.
d. =
Example + =
In these addition sentences, the same shape represents the same A
number. e. A A B
+ 6 Since 2 identical numbers + 6 64 =4
3 are added to have a 6 in 3 =1
the ones place, only 3 or 8 f. =2
can represent . = +

a. Since 2 identical numbers +
are added to have a 8 in 58
+ the ones place, only =
58 =
or can
b. represent . +
+ Since 2 identical numbers =
82 are added to have a 2 in =
the ones place, only

or can
represent .

Objective Solve Alphametics. Objective Solve Alphametics.
Textbook Reference Activity 2, activity 3 Textbook Reference Activity 2, activity 3

052-B5-1 052-B5-2

Addition Puzzles(2) c. =

1. Write the correct numbers in the blanks. +
15 4

In these addition sentences, the same shape represents the same

+ 4 + 4 or +
8 8 84

Since 2 identical numbers are added to have a 4 =
in the ones place, only 2 or 7 can represent .

a. d. =
+ + or + +
10 0 10 0 10 0 63
Since 2 identical numbers are added to have a 0 in =
the ones place, only or can represent .
b. + or 12 2 e. =
12 2 = =
+ = +
12 2 14 8

Since 2 identical numbers are added to have a 2 in
the ones place, only or can represent .

Objective Solve complex Alphametics. Objective Solve complex Alphametics.
Textbook Reference Activity 2, activity 3 Textbook Reference Activity 2, activity 3

4A Unit 04 061
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