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P. 8
Unit 1 Peer Pressure

Comprehension Note (Portfolio)

1. 글의 종류 : 질의응답 (상담) 2. 주제 (Topic) : Peer Pressure

3. 요지 (Main Idea)
People do unreasonable things to get along with others.

4. 세부 내용 및 사건 (Further Details)

① One of the coolest kids in school asked me to skip the classes and play with him.
② I didn’t join them because I didn’t want to get into trouble.
③ Some of them made fun of me, and I was worried of losing friends.

④ Such peer pressure is common among people.
5. 요약 (Summary)

People often do unreasonable things because of peer pressure. One of the coolest kids
in school asked me to skip the classes and play with him. “I” didn’t join the friends
not to get into trouble. However, “I” am also worried about losing friends. This is very
common phenomenon, and it is wiser to do the right thing.

6. 어휘 정리 (Vocabulary) ⑥
① ⑦
② ⑧
③ ⑨
④ ⑩

7. 구문 학습 (Structure)

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