Page 10 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
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                                                                Energy Benchmarks and Targets
        The 14 @ Irving development project will target energy
        performance of a minimum of 25% better than the ASHRAE
        90.1-2016 Energy Cost Budget (ECB) baseline and
        approximately 30% better than the LEED-CS v2009 baseline,
        in alignment with the direction of the upcoming NYC energy
        Stretch Code. Additionally, the project team is investigating
        the feasibility of achieving 30% emissions savings against the
        ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G baseline, which will qualify
        for NYSERDA PON3906 Deep Energy Savings support and
        align with the New York City’s 80x50 goal and the current
        AIA 2030 Challenge goal. Achieving this reach goal will
        reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 440 mt CO2/year
        compared to current code and 1,410 mt CO2/year compared
        to a typical office building.
        To achieve the reach goal, 14 @ Irving will target an energy
        use intensity of 38 kBtu/sf/year or below. The project team
        will follow an optimization pathway that first considers a
        highly effective building envelope, then demand reduction,
        and finally the selection of high-efficiency building systems
        and fine-tuning of controls. Once energy efficiency
        opportunities are maximized, on-site photovoltaic systems
        will be evaluated to take advantage of all possible

        Key opportunities include:
        —  Balancing heating and cooling load reduction strategies
        —  Optimizing the façade in response to site context
        —  Incorporating photovoltaics on the roof shading feature
        —  Improving glare management strategies to preserve
            high-quality daylight and views
        —  Selecting a highly-controllable HVAC system which can
            respond to site context-driven load differences    Meeting 14 @ Iriving’s energy goals will align the building
        —  Aligning envelope, HVAC, and interior lighting and   with the upcoming NYC Energy Stretch Code and the current
            equipment strategies to maximize performance                        AIA 2030 goal.
        —  Separating ventilation and space cooling with high
            efficiency VRF system and DOAS

        14th @ IRVING                                                                                             WSP
        Project No.  B1809809.000
        RAL COMPANIES & AFFILIATES                                                                              Page 10
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