Page 15 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
P. 15
Heating: 3.98 COP
DOAS Efficiency n/a Cooling: 3.0 COP
Energy Recovery Effectiveness 50% 85%
Central Boiler Efficiency 80% 90%
This early energy analysis is intended to confirm that the project is on track with respect to design goals based on a level of detail
appropriate to the SD phase which is able to answer the current questions. It is anticipated that as the energy model continues to
be refined, the relative energy performance is likely to change. At this stage of the design, many details regarding envelope
constructions, equipment sizing, occupant density, and control strategies are subject to change and will be incorporated into a
future energy model iteration.
While the parameters above are recommended for meeting performance goals, they are not necessarily the only pathway to
achieve those goals, and it is important to recognize that future adjustments and compromises will continue to influence results
throughout the design process. In order to understand how future decisions may impact targeted energy performance and where
the best opportunities are for improving savings, the project team investigated three tiers of energy performance for each major
building system: envelope, HVAC, and internal lighting and equipment (including tenant lease requirements following LEED-CS
guidelines). By cross-referencing each tier and system, a total of 27 different cases were created and simulated.
The results indicate that annual energy costs may range from $340,00 to $425,000, or 20% to 37% better than code. With solar panels
included, this could reach 23%-40% depending on module coverage and efficiency. Although a few parameters are more influential
than others, cases which balance envelope, HVAC, and interior equipment efficiency outperform cases where only one system is
optimized, indicating that it will be better to distribute investments across each system than to invest heavily in one aspect of
performance. With a combination of mid-range and high-performance selections, 14th @ Irving is most likely to fall within 25% to
30% savings over code. The best means of achieving this level of performance is for the project team to continue work in an
integrated and coordinated way as it would require contributions from each discipline.
Project No. B1809809.000