Page 20 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
P. 20

        Reducing the water demand in the building requires using more efficient flush and flow fixtures. The following tables show the
        proposed efficiencies for the fixtures in the project, which include waterless urinals.

           Flush Fixture Type   Baseline Flush  Design Flush        Notes
                                  Rate (gpf)   Rate Range
         Water Closet                1.6        1.1 - 1.28

         Urinal                       1.0        0 - 0.125   Waterless Urinals (pint
                                                               flush alternative)

            Flow Fixture Type   Duration (sec)  Baseline Flow  Design Flow Rate Range
                                               Rate (gpm)           (gpm)
         Lavatory Faucet             30            0.5      0.35 (metering 12 second)

         Showerhead                  300           2.5             1.5-1.75
         Kitchen Pantry Faucet       15            2.2             1.0-1.5

        The other major water use in the building is the commercial kitchens for the food services on the first floor. To reduce water
        consumption here, the kitchens should seek to use energy star rated appliances that consume less water than conventional
        equipment. WSP recommends including design guidelines for commercial food service equipment as part of the buildings “Tenant
        Design Guidelines” document that will be developed in later phases of the project.

        Between roof surfaces and site area, there is 12,412 ft  of potential catchment area. The project already includes a 1,500 ft
        stormwater retention tank in the basement. Only a small storage tank on the roof would be needed to provide for the irrigation
        uses alone as that demand consists of a relatively small portion of the overall water consumption. If the volume in the stormwater
        retention tank can be used for toilet flushing, and large reduction of potable water consumption can be achieved.

        14th @ IRVING                                                                                             WSP
        Project No.  B1809809.000
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