Page 16 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
P. 16

Envelope             HVAC          Interior Lighting & Equipment
        The graphic above depicts the low- mid- and high-efficiency tier selections for envelope, HVAC, and interior lighting & equipment. The mid-range
        tier generally aligns with initial recommended targets, with additional tenant measures. The low-range tier generally aligns with code-minimum
        requirements (or lower when the recommended target is a code minimum), and the high-range tier aligns with best practices for high

        This graph shows the range of possible results after selecting a performance tier for a particular system. A wider spread of results indicate that if
        this option is selected, there is still flexibility in getting to the targeted energy savings; conversely, a narrow spread indicates that this system is

        14th @ IRVING                                                                                             WSP
        Project No.  B1809809.000
        RAL COMPANIES & AFFILIATES                                                                              Page 16
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