Page 33 - 14th @ Irving - SD Report & Basis of Design
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e.  Power connections to motors, elevators and other mechanical equipment and owner furnished equipment.
            f.  Wiring devices for all base building areas.
            g.  Fire detection, alarm, monitoring, and control system.

            h.  Utility metering at service entrance.
            i.  Electronic tenant sub metering system.
        2.  The electric service to the building will be 208/120V, 3-phase, 4 wire.

        3.  All tenant floors will be served by a 208V/120V, 3-phase, 4 wire vertical bus duct with plug-in fused switches at each tenant
            floor. Each plug-in switch will be 400 Amps. A separate 480V, 3-phase, 3 wire vertical bus duct will be provided for floor by floor
            VRF units. A step up transformer will be provided for this bus duct in the electrical service room in the basement.

        4.  Sub-metering will be provided on each bus duct take off to sub-meter each tenant separately. In addition, branch circuit
            meters will be provided to meter HVAC, Plug Load and Lighting loads separately as required by 2016 NYCECC.
        5.  SMART Strategy : HVAC, lighting, plug, and process end uses shall be submetered at the branch circuit level for granularity of
            data collected by the Integrated Automation Platform.  Sub-meter head end system will communicate to the Building
            Management System and to the Integrated Automation platform via BACnetIP.
        6.  House panels to serve base building loads, receptacle and mechanical loads will be provided in electrical closets at
            approximately every 3 floors.
        7.  Distribution panels and individual motor start or VFD’s will feed all motor or equipment loads in mechanical rooms.
        8.  All vertical feeders, bus ducts, panelboards and sub-metering will be installed within vertically oriented and secured electrical
            closets on every floor.
        9.  All lighting and appliance panelboards will be molded case, thermal magnetic, bolt-on type circuit breakers.
        10.  Conductor sizes #12 and #10 shall be solid copper. Conductor sizes #8 and larger shall be stranded copper.
        11.  All wiring and cable will be insulated copper conductors.
        12.  Branch circuits from motors and appliances will be run in EMT conduits. Flexible steel conduit will be  utilized for connection
            to vibrating and rotating equipment. Liquid tight flexible conduit will be utilized where the possibility of moisture occurs.
            Metal Clad cable will be utilized in enclosed areas where it is concealed and where it is allowed by code.

        4.3.2  EMERGENCY POWER
        1.  The project will be provided with one (1) 1250KW diesel powered emergency generator on the roof for supplying the life safety
            and tenant emergency power loads. The generator will be provided with an engine mounted radiator and will be complete with
            voltage sensing and control to provide automatic start-up on loss of normal power. A complete diesel oil supply and storage
            system including automatic transfer switches and control devices will be provided for the generator.
        2.  Full storage tank will be sized to provide continues full load operation of the generator for a minimum of duration of 24 hours.
        3.  The emergency generator system will generate power at 277/480V, 3-phase, 4-wire, and 60 Hertz.
        4.  The emergency power distribution system will support code mandated life safety functions of the building  and other critical
            equipment as well as tenant loads as follows:
            a.  Egress and exit sign lighting
            b.  Elevators
            c.  Smoke exhaust / pressurization fans

            d.  Fire pump
            e.  Fuel oil pumps
            f.  Fire alarm system

        14th @ IRVING                                                                                             WSP
        Project No.  B1809809.000
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